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"Now, we judge people as lazy if they don’t exercise. But they’re not lazy. They’re just being normal."


Mitch07102 8 Jan 6
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Depends on one's definition of exercise. From the beginning our bodies were made to work and move. Now, with the so called 'modern conveniences' the minimize movement we start suffering all kinds of ills. Now even our joints can be replaced. Too many just chalk it up to the price of getting older. Diabetes, heart attacks, wheel chairs and on are just normal even at a younger age?!


The conclusion to the article says it for me;

"Dose response curves show that just 150 minutes of exercise a week — only 21 minutes a day — lowers mortality rates by about 50 percent. Knowing that, I think, can help people feel better about doing just a little exercise instead of none."

I'll be going to do my 1/2 hour daily biking routine soon...

Sadly, most people here in the US don't even get that amount. As a minimalist, I seldom buy anything other than consumables and necessary replacement items. I've decided to splurge and purchase my own Concept2 Erg. Even when my gym reopens for indoor work (we can do outside now) it will be good to have the device handly, right next to my desk. At least 30 minutes a day, five or six days a week in addition to the gym 3X a week.

@Mitch07102 Kudos to you, sir!

I had to google Concept2 Erg.- had no idea what you were talking about.

Yea, the girlfriend swears by rowing machines and "going to the gym"...I don't even do that; I do 50 crunches a day on my decades old total gym, then I hop on my bike and do 4 miles - or 8 if it's not windy. I like the point of the article; that it doesn't take much to up our fitness and that's me. 75 and going

@Robecology I discovered rowing in graduate school; I saw all of these good-looking men and women who were obviously athletes and wondered what they did. A few years later, I bought my first Erg. Whereas you choose to bike, for me rowing is more enjoyable and gives me good upper body and core work as well.


I walk with a cane old injury but healing so no exercise now but will walk not run when I can

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 6, 2021

Good for you. We don't wear out, we rust.......


Reading that has made me feel better about hating exercise ...because it’s abnormal behaviour! 😁

How is exercise abnormal? Exercise for health has been around since early recorded history if not even earlier.

@Ash_Bhaskar It’s responding to the quote in the same vein...humorously!

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Posted by DorkyndaftGood morning!

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