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A great, fun workout yesterday.

My gym has been holding outdoor workouts for several months now, well-distanced. I attend 2X-3X a week, and nearly always on Saturday at 10:00 AM. Yesterday, in temperatures below 30 degrees, there were 15 of us plus coach/owner Pam. I arrived early as I typically do (I live a short walk away) and she asked "What are your two favorite workouts?" Easy, kettlebell swings and anything else kettlebell, so I chose snatches. She wrote the answer on a piece of paper. As others arrived, she did the same.

So now the workout. For each selected exercise, we did 15 reps if it was two-armed like a swing, or 8 of each arm for single arm, like thrusters. Interspersed were block runs (all the way around the block, about 1/2 mile) a farmer's carry (1/4 block) and a goblet walk, 1/4 block. (You hold the KB shoulder level, away from your body, and walk the 1/4 blck.

Obviously, a looooong workout. It was wonderful Slept like a baby last night. At 66, I am glad I can still do things like this.

Have you done a favorite workout lately?

Mitch07102 8 Jan 24
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Posted by DorkyndaftGood morning!

Posted by UrsiMajorThe install was way harder than I thought.

Posted by MeggieClearyI just spent 4.

Posted by MeggieClearyI just spent 4.

Posted by Mitch07102Be like a Dottir.

Posted by Aeonia25850I always have my tunes going

Posted by Aeonia25850Pretty much how it feels, lol

Posted by UnityThis is why I love fitness

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Posted by Aeonia25850Just for a laugh! Right now I'm pushing these legs of mine hard with the weights and on the bike and am seeing good results.

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Posted by tinebeanOver St Patrick's day weekend I participated in my first pickleball tournament & took 3rd place! All that practice was fun, an excellent cardio workout and won me a little bronze medal! ? Woo hoo!

Posted by AllenaNot my normal weekend workout, but it sure was fun!

Posted by SilviaParkI had my first triathlon in Sunday, an indoor USATri60. Lots of room for improvement, but I'm just a beginner swimmer, and haven't taken my bike on the road yet :)

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