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I’ve never exercised in my life, not for the sake of it anyway.
I’ve never been in a gym, and, not to be rude, I want to be fit, but the people I know who use gyms seem to talk about it more like a religion, so I’m not sure if it’s my scene.

I surf, I rollerskate, and walk on occasion, that’s really about it.
I’m finding that if there’s no surf for a couple of weeks or whatever, I get out of condition very quickly.

I’m not much of a joiner, so team sports are out (although roller derby is excepted ???)

I’m not self motivated enough to do yoga on my own either ?

So has anyone got any suggestions for me? It’s got to be fun and preferably free.
I’m thinking swimming laps but I’m open to suggestions

OpenOptimist 5 June 9
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Mitch07102 Level 8 June 9, 2018

@OpenOptimist When you do the Googling remember, the workouts can be scaled to your level of fitness and capability. CF has become a phenomenon for good reason-it works. Exercise, nutrition, and a great community to workout with. There are 14,000 and counting boxes (they don't call them gyms) worldwide.


Calisthenics is fun and you can get pretty creative with it and it can turn into a ninja warrior gymnastic type deal. Free. Having a local city park is all you really need. YouTube is full of videos. 🙂


Eh. I pop in my earbuds when I'm at the gym and this don't have to hear the fitness cultists reciting their macronutrient liturgies or whatever. ?


I would just go full-spectrum, and exercise for both total body fitness and optimizing testosterone production and fitness gains through taking the most efficient workouts and lifting techniques, while leaving out the lazy and ineffective categories of workouts that contain things like single-arm dumbbell curls and machine workouts. This is my approach and it's the result of several textbooks worth of fitness info. On this kind of program, I lost 24lbs of fat and retained fluid in several weeks, got way more stamina, way more endurance, way more flexibility, way more strength, etc. I don't get inflammation during workouts, and I don't gain weight, either. It's an awesome lifestyle adjustment.

DZhukovin Level 7 June 9, 2018
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