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I've recently started a cut phase. Nothing too crazy but would like to see more muscle definition before I road trip this summer. My mommy tummy is starting to go away. Yay! 🙂

Edit: I added some before pictures in the comments of after I had my daughter.

livetodiscover 5 June 18
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Great work! Greater example!

ShahJiggy Level 4 June 27, 2018

I would say you have done nothing less than a great job on your fitness program

DZhukovin Level 7 June 18, 2018

Thank you! I will say it has been hard balancing full time work, part time school and having to be a single parent for a year....but I have noticed that a lot of times in our life that we think we "don't have time" for something...we rarely truly don't. Typically it's a prioritizing and time management issue.

@livetodiscover Haha you're fishing for compliments!

@DZhukovin nope, just throwing that out there in case there are people thinking they don't have time to get in shape. It's easy to think we have less time than we do.


That makes me think of it: These past couple days, it's been me blinking, and then it being almost bedtime. I've been waking up totally dehydrated, and all that, as well. There are like eleven books I want to read, on top of my studies, and for some reason, I am still noticing little work-voids, improper executions and contradictions in my exercise program.


I thought before pictures would be relevant. These are pictures from almost 2 months after having my daughter. (I showed these to my partner today and he asked if I was pregnant in them haha ouch lol) She is now 2 years old. But this goes to show that it is possible to get pre mommy tummy back. For awhile there, I wasn't sure.

Amazing progress!

This is very impressive. Well done! Great motivation.


Keep at it! You're getting there! Do you do any abs exercises with weights?

Ed212 Level 4 June 18, 2018

Not as much as I should lol. I've been thinking about adding abs back into my routine more seriously again. Abs have always been a strength of mine. I took a friend to the gym and....well...lets just say got him a bit frustrated with the ab workout we went through. I can't believe after all these years and a kid, there are still some ab muscles hiding hahah

@livetodiscover haha! Oh they're always there, it just depends on how well hidden they are. Just like any muscle, you start training them with weights, they'll start growing and popping through... Great progress btw! Love the dedication!


Get them abs!

kmdskit3 Level 8 June 18, 2018

Trying though honestly, most is just side effects of other stuff I do. I haven't been doing too much core specific work lol

@livetodiscover Revealing your abs is almost completely fat-burning and diet. Doing ab work or 'core' (I hate that term) exercises do next to nothing for getting your abs to show.

@kmdskit3 I agree mostly with this but without built muscles there's not much to show once the fat is gone and you run into the "skinny fat" issue. I'd say that yeah it's majority diet though (low body fat). And it doesn't work like people think where they think there is some spot training effect where doing crunches burns belly fat. No. I do ab work when I want more muscle there for when the fat is gone. The exercise and calinsthenic stuff I do has always given me muscle in my abs so I've never had to try to get them that specifically.

@livetodiscover Exactly right. If you squat and deadlift, even with a weight belt, you're getting MORE than enough abdominal stimulation. I always try to tell people I work with to minimize direct abdominal work and especially never do any weighted direct abdominal work. Most bodybuilders don't do ANY direct abdominal work until about 1-3 months before a show. Removing the fat will show the abs. If I haven't said this before I am so glad there's someone on here who is serious about this!?

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