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Sore Muscles whats your remedy
I ran an 8 think yesterday, I hung around after the race to see the overall and age group winners. I normally stretch cool down walking or just light jogging to avoid soreness. it was raining and cool. I had been sweating during the race and got really hot. Today my calves are so sore its hard to walk . Anyone have a cure for soreness or Cramps???

Stevil 8 Feb 12
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Are you a regular runner? Or was this a one-time thing? There's no "cure" I know of because muscle soreness is caused by a buildup of lactic acid in your muscles. Hydration, before, during and after your exertion is the best thing I know of. Creatine supplementation along with hydration can help as well. If I lay off my workouts for any significant length of time and then re-start, I'm sore as hell for about 72 hours and that as they say, is that. Hope this helps.

IAMGROOT Level 7 Feb 14, 2018

Have you tried bcaa? Might also add some electrolyte suppliments other than Gatorade. I got some tablets from Amazon.

Taijiguy Level 6 Feb 12, 2018

@SteveB I have. I don't run, but I lift. There's pre and post mixes. I generally do the post drink. My sister competes and had issues with soreness. I sent her some BCAAs and she said they worked for her. Maybe it was the quality?
Cramps are another issue though. That's where the electrolytes come in. I'm in contracting and work out in the sun all day. I had terrible night time cramps last year until I started taking the electrolyte supplements.

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