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What's your least favorite workout? Today is my chest/back/arm day and I wish it wasn't. I've had a shoulder injury before so upper body workouts are always a challenge for me. Oh, but I do it anyways. I guess I should stop procrastinating and get on with it.

AbbieNormal 4 Dec 13
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Cardio is the worst. I am gonna try to skip some rope and hit the heavy bag. 6 minutes a day! Ha! Mostly I just lift a few weights.

Kintaro Level 6 Jan 2, 2019

my least favourite? It would have to be just about all of them about now, as I only jump rope and walk. I want to get back into the weight thing though...even have a few fitness books to help me...


I do split routines...upper body one day lower the next...


I'm a lifter/meathead so fat-burning (aerobic exercise for you regular folks) is beyond boring. I usually read my muscle magazines or watch TV while doing that. Your workout has a LOT of bodyparts for one workout. Have you thought about breaking your workouts up a little more? What's your shoulder injury?

kmdskit3 Level 8 Dec 15, 2018

What are your thoughts on jump ropes? Do you include them in your routine?

@VineetHonkan Do whatever kind of aerobic/fat-burning excercises you like. Jumping rope is too much pounding for my old joints.


I'm the same. Bad right shoulder and general inflexibility makes upper body difficult

Frctnal Level 7 Dec 14, 2018

Have you gotten it checked out?

@kmdskit3 many times

@Frctnal Any kind of effective rehab?


I agree arms/chest/back is my least favourite. My upper body strength & flexibility sucks so I should do it more but I carry so much tension in my shoulders & traps it's generally not a pleasant experience and that keeps me from enjoying the workout like I usually would.

tinebean Level 7 Dec 13, 2018

That sounds horrible! Have you had it checked out?

@kmdskit3 it's not horrible, just not pleasant. I do squats with kettle bells or a medicine ball now instead of putting a bar across my shoulders. Plus yoga & massage has helped my flexibility and tension. I'm going to start swimming laps too & see how that goes ?

@tinebean Good luck! Dealing with failing joints myself and know how hard it can be to get in an effective workout.


My least favorite is the Turkish get-up. Super effective, but it will wear you out quickly.

Mitch07102 Level 8 Dec 13, 2018

@AbbieNormal To get your form perfect, try doing them with just an empty shoe balanced on your hand. When you have that mastered, then move on to adding weight.


Cardio. I bloody hate it. I have plantar fasciitis so it's painful even after stretching my feet. Also, weighted squats. For some reason I'm more prone to overheating and feeling sick when doing those, and I've no idea why.

Consider HIIT for cardio benefits. Much less time required, and if done correctly you get more benefit than long, slow, boring cardio.


Legs. Painlessly sitting on a toilet is so taken for granted.

Naills1675 Level 6 Dec 13, 2018

Been there, done that...repeatedly!

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