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Shin splint "remedies"
Anyone have them?
Please share if you do

Crimson67 8 Feb 16
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I was a triple jumper in high school and through college so I am very familiar with the pain of shin splints. What really saved me was changing my running form. Foot strike placement is key. Make sure your heal isn't hitting the ground first. Are you sprinting or distance running? Are you running with a goal in mind, like a race or just fitness? How often do you run?

For now, I would recommend ice massage. Freeze a paper cup of water. Peel the top off and massage the length of the muscles of the shin for ten to twenty min after training.

This is just an idea, I don't know the validity of this but when I was getting ready for college, my athletic trainer sent me to a podiatrist because my shins were so bad. So they did xrays and apparently I have an extra bone in my foot that is putting pressure on a tendon that may be responsible for shin splints. They molded me these really expensive arch supports. Have you been to a podiatrist?

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