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Any advice on working upper extremities? I committed to a dodgeball tournament & need to be prepped somehow. The dodging I'm fine with, it's just I'm bad at training upper body.
Currently I've been using a rowing machine, tricep extension, & bicep curl machines. Will start supplementing with pushups.
This whole gym thing is new to me, so any tips will be much appreciated!

Decieven 7 Mar 30
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Crossbench dumbbell pullovers.

kmdskit3 Level 8 Mar 30, 2018

@Decieven I am sure you can find some decent instructional videos online. I think you would get more from it for throwing if, as you lower the weight over/above your head, go ahead and let your elbows bend. That way you'll get more tricep involvement which will help with the extension in the throwing motion. Also keep your hips down and below your waist. It's easy to cheat the movement by see-sawing your hips up and down. If you have any other questions feel free to message me. Good luck.


Maybe try working with medicine balls.

Donna_I Level 8 Mar 30, 2018

@Decieven I don't have anything specific.


Hmm, dodgeball to me, while probably requiring some endurance and stamina like B-ball because I imagine you're running around a lot, is not so much a strength sport. I think I would be more focused on throwing technique. Never hurts to build strength, and the things you're doing will help. How long will you have to train?

IAMGROOT Level 7 Mar 30, 2018

@Decieven Confession: My memories of dodgeball are from middle school. LOL! But I'd assume they use a similar ball, like a kick-ball, or soccer ball, maybe. So they are harder to throw, I think, than softballs or baseballs. That said, if you can throw those other balls, at least you can THROW. So it's probably just a matter of practicing with the larger ball.

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