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Looking for suggestions from yogis. Besides sun salutations and warrior poses, what poses do you recommend to strengthen my core?

RoadGoddess 7 Apr 27
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Well, this is partially Yogi and just partially core training but varying plank exercises are best for core strengthening, as well as animalistic movements. BJJ practitioners use a lot of animalistic movements and they have some of the strongest cores. Here's a very short plank variation video that I thought could help you. I figure you can YouTube search animalistic movements that might work for you since I don't know your range of motion and/or flexibility. Fair warning, the music on this link is a bit intense so you might want to check your volume be for clicking on the link.

@RoadGoddess of course. I figure for a cyclist, similar to a runner your major muscle groups are getting enough work but your stabilizers aren't. Which is a cause for most back injuries and hip displacement. If I can answer any other questions please let me know. If I don't know the answer I'll gladly look it up to increase my knowledge base and help out. Good health to you.


Palm flat forward bend. Eagle is good for arm flexibility. Sorry, been a few years.

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