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On average, how long do your workouts last each day?

NothinnXpreVails 8 May 29
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I only workout 4 times a week (M,T,Th,F) in the mornings. Wednesday and Sunday are recovery days. Saturday is yard work. I do some treadmill running just before (20 minutes on lower body days and 30 minutes on upper body days), after which about 1 hour of weights. In the morning, the gym is relatively empty, so I don't wait around. I often interweave exercises (not quite circuit training) so I don't need much rest time in between sets.

Mofferatu Level 7 May 30, 2018

Depends on what I'm trying to get accomplished and/or if it's a two-fer day for me. For example, I lifted at 3 this morning (legs, a little small group work) and that took 1 1/2. I'll go back tonight for 30-40 minutes to knock out cardio, which I like to keep short and intense, and finish up any small group items I may feel I missed. On Thursdays I only ever work out in the morning. I'm scheduled to do chest, so that will take around an hour.

Trexie Level 2 May 30, 2018

Anywhere from 20 minutes to 4 hours, depending on my level of stupidity. At zero stupidity, I keep it at an intense 20 to 30 minutes. At maximum stupidity, I do an intense 4 hours, and then get sick.

DZhukovin Level 7 May 30, 2018

I train around 45mins 3days/week

ChuckD Level 2 May 30, 2018

I think how long someone spends working out, or how much they need to can vary. However, I've observed that a lot of time is spent wasted in the gym. If you know how to target muscles properly and avoid long self admiring gazes in the mirror, it can shave a lot off of your time spent.

I've also noticed that people who do spend the most time in the gym are not the fittest necessarily, nor do they seem to get fitter by doing so.

I like to get to the gym more frequently and do shorter, harder workouts. My best weeks are when I can get in 5 days for 30-40 minutes each.

Athena Level 8 May 30, 2018

During the school semester about an hour. Now I'm able to do 1.5 to 2 hours max. Depends if doing longer cardio also. I don't workout 7 days a week. At least not full workouts. Typically 5 days of real workout and anything else would be more of active rest type days.


It is usually three days a week weights for about 20 minutes (4 exercises, 15 reps each, 3 circuits - alternating musle groups and no rest time) then my version of hot yoga for about 15 minutes. Last week was to stressful so tomorrow is first day back. I try to do a lot of walking and stretching on my off days.

Donna_I Level 8 May 29, 2018

Usually around 80 minutes.

Hermit Level 7 May 29, 2018

With all my old man, falling apart joints rehab and warm up before I can even touch a weight and the fat-burning afterwards... too long!

kmdskit3 Level 8 May 29, 2018

Never, ever more than an hour and usually 20-30 minutes not counting the five minutes of warm up. I belong to a CrossFit-like gym, so that's plenty.

Mitch07102 Level 8 May 29, 2018

Well, since my elliptical broke I have fallen off the wagon somewhat. But I try to run my routine 4X/Wk. With cardio, some floor exercises (push-ups, crunches and leg-lifts, and resistance training, it usually takes two full hours.

IAMGROOT Level 7 May 29, 2018
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