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My wife and I have been married 40+ years. I consider her my best friend even though we have had our rough times and seriously talked about separating at one time; but that's another story. She was raised LDS and I wasn't. When I decided to ask her to marry me, I decided to take the missionary lessons and joined. It wasn't just for her, I took the bait and ran with it (again, another story). Fast forward about 20 years, I found reason to reinvestigate Mormonism and found it repugnant, especially its origins and Joseph Smith. I wanted nothing to do with it. My wife, however, still finds comfort in believing - the church being the tradition she was raised in - and we have respected one anothers positions. We remain a good source of support for one another and it works for us.

My wife has always had some health issues. She has been able to manage her health problems pretty well which have increased as we have aged. She has an autoimmune disease that effects most of her body and over the last 10+ years, she has had multiple stays in the hospital. Her immune system is one that has been compromised by this disorder. Recently, she has had a flare up that seems more dibilitating and more difficult to recover from than past episodes. She has gone into the hospital for IV antibiotics, was released to a rehab unit to build up her strength which didn't seem to do much for her and now she is back in the regular hospital back on the IV antibiotics. She has consistently said through this episode that she hasn't felt well, and even now having been on the antibiotics for several days, she says she still hasn't felt well. This is different. Usually, she has the initial symptoms (typically a high fever) and she feels progressively better with treatment and recovery.

Needless to say, I am very concerned about her. I have spent a lot of time with her in the hospital and helping her move from the bed to wherever she needs to be - this time around, she has lost a lot of strength. She has been dibilitated by her disease, but she has always been able to stand and transfer to a chair or her scooter she uses to get around. Now, she has been unable to accomplish this. Because we are both large individuals, hospital staff often has difficulty assisting her. I have spent many nights here at the hospital available because I am able to do it without any trouble.

Ok, so this is all the set up to my issue. What has me writing tonight is my wife has deciddd she wants a blessing. It's not the first time during these episodes she has made such a request, but for some reason, it is bothering me this time. I think it has something to do with how involved I have found I needed to be with her care. I have made myself available to her to make her comfortable and to help her take care of her needs. It may also be that I've felt a lot closer to her prior to this bout with her disease. I have discovered how much I have appreciated her and the contribution she has made to my life. I had shared these feeling with her recently and she has said she had the same feeling about me. I don't know that I have felt closr to her. The idea that some stranger could come in and do her any real benefit with a little cooking oil to grease up her hair and a couple rehearsed phrases hasn't sat any too well with me this time. I don't expect to bring up the subject with her. I am willing to go along with her request if it is what she wants.

Thanks for letting me complain here.

RussRAB 8 Oct 7
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I (once Mormon) work on a nursing floor that your wife would be on. So this is what I formed an evidenced opinion about. I know we all got one and they probably have an odor. Here it goes;

Maybe it will work. The Voodoo group would try to get a comatose loved one to reboot the brain by hallucinating. Washing/cleanliness from religious writings helps-number one great idea per the WHO. Trancendental meditationists claim to help-shown scientifically. Hope however you get it always helps. And the scientists just found by rearranging copper you get a superconductor. Entangled quantum particles can change faster than the speed of light-. Zapped electrolyte soup can grow crops at incredible speeds. One scientist guy claimed to grow beans in 6 days using what makes the ‘priestood’ function.

But if it helps you don’t have to be Mormon or be upset with them. Or believe Joseph Smith was a prophet.


I get it. In your mind you can work out that this is just what she needs according to her beliefs but there is still an emotional impact. The ideas about the power of the priesthood are so tied into your worth. I can see how it would be hurtful for your wife to want such whimsical help after all the genuine help and sacrifices you have made. I hope that this turns out to be a learning opportunity for your wife. You sound like a great husband.


One of the things that helped my wife follow me out of Mormonism was that when her health problems started she asked for her home teachers to give her a blessing they were too busy to do it, so she asked the bishop and he did not have time, so asked the stake president who ignored her and eventually a couple of missionaries turned up after three weeks saying that they had heard from someone that she wanted a blessing for some reason, but they could not do it because as I had not yet had my name removed they could only help me if I did it.
She finally saw how little they actually cared if they were willing to morally blackmail me in to coming back. A week later she asked to see all my research on why I had left the church, and a couple of months after that we both had our names taken off the rolls.


Maybe she'll see for herself its a useless task.


Not unusual for someone who fears for their health to want a blessing...just in case. Catholics who never go to church will sometimes want to have the Last Rites...just in case.

Were I a "lapsed" Catholic, the last thing I would want would be the last rites, because even if a was wrong, such an act condemn me to an eternity of a heaven filled with other catholics an alternate prospect that renders eternal perdition somewhat more attractive.

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