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Religion is poisonous!

Killtheskyfairy 9 Sep 19
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Xtians have been trying to turn this into The United States of JEEEESUS since day one.

LucyLoohoo Level 9 Sep 20, 2021

I don't think it is about abortion at all it is just getting their foot in the door and force their religion onto everyone.

Oldman51 Level 7 Sep 19, 2021

Abortion is about control of women and their sexuality. Making women second class servants to men is one of the main goals of the Abrahamic religions. This is just a tool in that toolbox.

@Killtheskyfairy “Abortion is about control of women and their sexuality.”
I would re-couch it into the following: orthodox religion is about those things, and so much more. The goal of nearly all organized religions is control. It’s about power. Realizing that it is impossible to fully control the mind, religion insists upon conformity of lifestyle. Orthodox religion insists that all behave, both publicly and privately, in a certain way. And since it’s in our nature to rebel against such external forces, orthodox religion is the ideal nesting place for hypocrisy.

What’s happening today in this country, as the conservative movement continues to assert itself in the state houses and in the courts, is an erosion of the wall of separation between church and state that Thomas Jefferson alluded to. Abortion is the canary in the coal mine. It’s that ‘foot in the door’ that @oldman51 referenced. Abortion is an issue that many religions can unite under, as it arouses activism more than practically any other issue.

But once Roe v. Wade is overturned, and I see this as inevitable now, they are not finished. The church-backed conservative agenda involves undoing much of the secularist progress that has occurred over the past century. School prayer, religious iconography on public property, public school textbooks and further government policies and programs that benefit, if not promote organized religions.

There are two types of persons who vociferously decry state sponsored religious law and a Sharia society: nonbelievers like me and believers of a different faith!

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Posted by KilltheskyfairySick of it!!!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyOn this date in 1941, Nora Ephron was born in New York City, the eldest of four daughters of Phoebe (Wolkind) and Henry Ephron, Jewish screenwriters.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyDangerous, indeed.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyOn March 25, 1934, feminist leader and journalist Gloria Steinem was born in Toledo, Ohio, to Leo and Ruth (Nuneviller) Steinem.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyWisconsin Supreme Court is right to limit religious exemption.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyGood job!!!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyJames Taylor - Atheist On this date in 1948, musician James Vernon Taylor was born in Boston, then grew up in Chapel Hill, N.

Posted by RobecologyHappy Birthday "meat head"! Rob Reiner's birthday in today, March 6, 1947. Here's his wiki bio;[] and here's his Twitter "freethought"

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Posted by RobecologyI've been out of sorts; recovering from a fall and stroke; but here's an Agnostic American known as Natalie Angier, who had a birthday February 16th (1956) here's her Wiki bio; ...

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Posted by RobecologyGood morning fellow Agnostics! Home from the hospital after several days.

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