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All are aware that theology attempts to comfort the reality of death, but just look at how they do it. Religion introduced the "Carrot or curse" with its concept of heaven and hell to make the bitter pill of death more adaptable to the churches will. It is however quite odd that more words are written in most religious texts about hell than about heaven. Religion has always known fear is a better motivator than a Carrot. So it is as it is, but think about this for a moment. The king James bible and the Quaran describe hell as a place of suffering, nashing of teeth, fire, and punishment. If one carefully looks at the earth which we live on, and reads these descriptions of hell? Its easy to see the similarity between a place of punishment in the bible to the very place we live. Death seems a scary ending to our time here, but is it? Nature is a circle of life and death, without one the other can not exist. Also.. if there is any reliable account of a divine beings written work; That would have to be this planet and the universe itself. So what does the earth teach us about such a being if it exists? The first lesson would be: The individual is unimportant. It is the species that must go on, but only if it adapts to its environment. Instinct for self preservation is built into all life but only works if a threat is observed. For example; genetic conditions resulting in cancer or other terminal illness is seldom a concern of a healthy individual. Do we honestly fear death or have we become so indoctrinated by the dogma of the church that we fear anything we can not control? Think about this too.. If we knew what was on the other side of the grave, would we want to stay here? Perhaps.. but one must realize man has turned this earth into the hell Religion describes. I suggest that "Theology" is for those whom are afraid of going to hell, but hope is for those who know they already live there? For the hopeful, death is the way out of hell.

It does not matter how rich or poor, successful or not your life is on this earth. Its still hell.. full of sorrow and pain. It is absurd to believe what the church says about death. There is another hell that awaits your presents if you do not believe what they say?

Mastrof3d 3 Sep 11
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Sort of buddhist.

Theresa_N Level 8 Sep 12, 2020

No.. not buddhist, and not the point of the comment. If you read the accounts of hell in the bible and Koran, then take a good look at the world around you.. you will notice the biblical description fits. I simply find it ironic the church can say that after death we are going to a place their book describes as the same.

I said "sort" of buddhist. You might want to study buddhism to get a handle on this suffering. Humanities days may be numbered but for many this is not the hell you describe. It may be so for some of us, but not for most. Xtians make it a hell for themselves, as do other religions.


My life hasn’t been hell.

skado Level 9 Sep 12, 2020

I understand this, but that is not the point of the comment. If you read the accounts of hell in the bible and Koran, then take a good look at the world around you.. you will notice the biblical description fits. I simply find it ironic the church can say that after death we are going to a place their book describes as the same place.


I find it odd this post is in Florida Freethinkers. Typically a post is Florida specific.

Was my first post on here and I didn't catch the headings selection button, but now I got it.

@Mastrof3d Awesome. Welcome!


Depressed much?

Mofo1953 Level 9 Sep 12, 2020

I understand, but depression is not the point of the comment. If you read the accounts of hell in the bible and Koran, then take a good look at the world around you.. you will notice the biblical description fits. I simply find it ironic the church can say that after death we are going to a place their book describes as the same.

@Mastrof3d I've read all the religious books there are, several times actually, nothing in any of them I consider even remotely believable, they are all bullshit. I don't give a fuck what any church says, life is what you make of it.

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