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If are a Florida Democrat, let me know. I have some ideas for dealing with some voting rights issues that I would like to share and to spread as widely as I can.

wordywalt 9 Oct 12
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the right to vote for felons was restored by the voters in Florida. but in typical republican fashion it was trampled by the republican legislature and our dipshit governor.....

My idea is for a second amendment attempt to overcome the politically corrupt legislative action.

@wordywalt lobotomies for republicans works for me


I'm more quotidian than Floridian.

We in Florida need a s4econd shot at restoring the right to vote to ex-felons. Check out the following idea. If you think it might work, pass on the idea, please!

No Florida court may impose fines or fees on a person convicted of a felon beyond the ability of the person to pay those at the time of conviction. Such fines and fees may be applied to a the existing estate of the felon at the time of conviction until the estate at that time is exhausted. This requirement is retroactive to the time of conviction.

Application of such fines and fees on a felon who has completed to a felon who has served his o her r time, including parole. To imprison a person who has little or no estate and deny him or her of the capacity to acquire an estate during the time of imprisonment is cruel and unusual punishment, egro unconstitutional.

The legislature of the state of Florid may not use such fines and fees as a rationale for denying the right to vote to any Florida citizen.

@wordywalt Can the legislators read? Understand? What does king t say?


Why not share them with all of us in all 50 states?

Paul4747 Level 8 Oct 12, 2021

fire away!!.....darwin and covid are doing a good job in the meantime!!

see my input above, please.

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