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Dems and Lefties: Who are the really progressive candidates for Gov. and what are their positions and pros/cons?

Krish55 8 Aug 3
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Thanks for the topic...I like Graham gor governor, but have questions for most other races.


A thread after my own heart. I'm currently researching candidates. I'm liking Gwen Graham for Gov because I think she has the best shot to win, and winning matters now more than ever. In my area for US House, being vacated by the Trump-fellating Ron DiSantos, I think maybe the female candidate is to easily tied to Hillary Clinton (who I did vote for in 2016) to carry this mostly red district, so I'm throwing my primary support behind Upchurch

The local rag just held debates. It was funny reading the R debates (who could be the most Trumpiest) compared to the Dem debates. The R's were mostly engaged in a contest to see who could kiss the most ass with Trump supporters. "If I am elected, I will lick Trump's shoes shiny clean every day" "Well, if I am elected, I will lick his shoes AND drink his dirty bathwater!" It will be interesting to see how things change once the primaries are over. Ron DiSantis is even running ads showing how he is proudly brainwashing his young children into the Trump cult!


You should look up Andrew Gillum. I'm at work, so don't really have time to bullet point his platform, but I've heard him speak a couple of times including a debate between Dem primary candidates. He seemed the most progressive to me.

Tampabrew Level 7 Aug 3, 2018

Thanks for replying. When you have time, I'd love to hear more..

@Krish55 here's a link to the debate if you haven't already seen it.

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