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I'm interested in opinions. I've been contemplating doing some type of "ask an atheist" community outreach. I live in the Fort Myers area. Any insight? Any experiences with this type of activity?

ponderingatheist 7 Jan 7
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I'm with you on the bus by myself. I eat by myself out to dinner, go to movies myself... Get lonely sometimes. Want a permanent relationship. I would love to go to atheist meeting Melissa


Perhaps a Facebook event type at a community center would work. Have like multiple atheist there to answer everyone and give a different point of view.


Ask and shall receive..... 🙂

IamNobody Level 8 Jan 7, 2019

Be an extremely strong writer and be able to completely—and tactfully—dismantle and defuse any argument. Also, be sure your grammar and spelling are impeccable so that no one can hijack an exchange with nitpicking. Go get 'em.

DeStijl Level 6 Jan 7, 2019

Florida is such an eclectic hodgepodge of humans - why not give it a try ?

evergreen Level 8 Jan 7, 2019

Thought about doing that in south Florida. I was at an "inter-faith cafe" meet-up group and got more questions atheism than their topic. I went to that meet-up and when they would break out to talk about issues regarding faiths, the conversation would get derailed when they found out I was an atheist. A lot of those discussions became an impromptu "ask an atheist" session. We (FLorida Atheists and Secular Humanists aka FLASH) are pursuing a panel discussion at their meeting where they can "ask an atheist" since most people there have only dealt with other believers of other faiths. I like the idea of "ask an atheist", keep me informed on what you end up doing.

fearlas Level 6 Jan 7, 2019

ANSWER; Science!


PS; It's produced by Matt Dillahunty, called "The Athiest Experience".


There is a great atheist call in show produced in Texas (all over U tube) it's great, dumb kkkristians call in and the atheists burn em up good. Maybe something like that.

The Atheist Experience. I love that show.


I would start small.. Maybe a blog... Nothing in person.... And not in your own community ...


The PBS station out of Orlando has 'three wiseguys" on the air on Wednesday. No joke - a priest, a rabbi, and some other faith based guy talk about god's teachings from their points of view. Maybe they would let you participate. Probably not, but you would be a great addition.

djs64 Level 7 Jan 7, 2019

I like the idea. I am still a bit timid to tell the public I am an atheist (although most of my friends know). I was in Knoxville when a crazy Christian gunned down a Unitarian Church because they were non-believers. If not for those crazy people I would shout it from the rooftops...


I'd say be prepared to take a lot of heat!

MojoDave Level 9 Jan 7, 2019
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