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Do you guys think Rick Scott should sign the bill that Races the gun purchase age to 21 puts more police officers in schools and And would allow school personnel and some teachers to carry guns in school?

Donto101 7 Mar 9
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I raised three sons in Florida schools. There have been police resource officers assigned in all of the schools my sons attended for the last 10 years. So i think that part of the bill is just a political stunt to take credit for something that already existed. I also think that the police officer who was on duty at the shooting(Scot Peterson) should have done his job and engaged the shooter. He would have saved many lives if he showed any courage instead of taking cover while 17 died. Mr. Peterson was a 33 year veteran police officer who had been assigned to that school since 2009. He was wearing body armor and had been trained to stop an active shooter. That means he let kids and coaches he had known for many years die while he did nothing. There were two other adults who ran into that building unarmed and without body armor. Those two men are fallen heroes.Their names are Aaron Feis and Chris Hixon. They were athletic coaches at the school. Mr. Peterson retired immediately upon being suspended without pay. He was making roughly $80,000 in salary at time of retirement. His pension pays 75% of his salary. So this man is making $60,000 for life for doing nothing. I'm good with raising the age to 21. But arming school teachers is just a dumb idea. Here is a link to data sources and other detail for those who are interested. []


The Florida bill is ridiculous. It is just a way for the legislature to claim they did something. The only real solution is to ban those firearms whose sole purpose is to kill humans. One does not hunt with a Glock or an AR-15. It's fine to have weapons for hunting animals if that's your thing. It is not fine to have weapons that are intended for killing humans

Mark9393 Level 6 Mar 9, 2018

I can go along with most of it. Although I’m not big on police in schools I can go along with it to get the age to buy guns raised to 21. My biggest sticking point with this bill is arming school personnel and some teachers. 130 hours isn’t even close to enough training. Police officers suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder after shootings and need counseling and that after having to shoot a stranger. Can you imagine what teachers and school personnel would Go through if they had to shoot a student that they knew or Accidentally shot the wrong student. That’s too much to put on school personnel.

Donto101 Level 7 Mar 9, 2018

I think it needs to be modified.I know from experience that more police officers at school does little to nothing in assuaging these things from happening. And arming teachers with 5.5 days of training, I think is a huge mistake. There will be more shootings this way. JMPO

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