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Jaw-Dropping Realistic Tattoos That Are Out Of This World

phxbillcee 10 Aug 10
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Photoshop helps a whole lot too, it's become industry standard to photoshop the pictures of tattoos. While the artistic level of some artists is at an all-time high it does cause unrealistic expectations. Bright whites like on these fresh tattoos is a dead give away its heavily photoshopped. Bright whites are not possible in skin in a single pass, if ever. There are some legitimate reasons to photoshop pictures but I do not agree with it and refuse to do so. I think it's a lie. It's very much going to cost you as an artist to refuse to do this because it's become expected by the public who isn't aware that their tattoos will never look like the photos being displayed as their work.

JesseBoren Level 7 Aug 10, 2018

Well said! I’m so tired of seeing photoshopped examples of tattoos. There should be a disclaimer.

I didn't mean to sound so negative on this comment. These artists are amazing and the skill level is very high. That's why we call the last 25 years the tattoo renisonnce within the business. I just feel a need to point out that these pictures have been photoshopped some just to bring out the colors the blood and reddness overpower right after it's done. Few can resist the urge to take it further. I just think it's a bit deceptive to make people think their tattoo will look like that when it's healed. If you go over something a great many times you can achieve this but not in a single pass 99%of the time.i hear artists bitch about how the TV shows create unrealistic expectations but they don't want to talk about this.



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