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Thoughts on this approach?

Now, did any of the Natives of North and South America have any religions or beliefs that resembled any forms of the Biblical text before knowing about the Bible?

According to the Bible, the Earth is not that old, so how did the Natives of South and North America become separated from the rest of the population?

For according to the Bible, humanity started from one origin point at least twice.

How did so many people not have any word of the Bible or memory or inspiration from those early Biblical days? That they would have had some experience if it was all one origin point. (At least twice.)

TCorCM 7 May 6
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Almost wrote this post off as drivel by a religious troll. However, you are young, and perhaps still working out why being agnostic and/or atheist is more rational than religious delusion. ATM you get the benefit of doubt from me. I hope writing this comment is not a waste of time, effort and database.

If you had studied science, you would know the Bible's timeline is totally messed up. The people who wrote it were ignorant. For example, somewhere in the old testament (I'm not a bible scholar who can quote it) the bible says something about the stars falling from heaven. Today we know the size of stars with good accuracy. Our star, the Sun, which is a smallish star, is roughly a million times the size of Earth, and the largest stars are about 300 times as large as the Sun. The Universe is almost 14 billion years old, and the Earth roughly 4.5 billion years old. Thus, your saying, "According to the Bible, the Earth is not that old" makes your education Biblical, and possibly makes you a religious troll. On the other hand, your question about native Americans puts you in the thinking group.

The answer is that the Bible was written several hundred years after Christ supposedly died, and before the discovery of the Americas. There are several thousand indigenous religions, including those of native Americans, and none mention or mimic the Bible. Those indigenous religions developed independently from the Christian myths, so they are different.

EdEarl Level 8 May 6, 2020

@TCorCM Thanks for clarifying the purpose of the OP.

@TCorCM NP I'm guilty of the same, sometimes.


Is that what goes for free thinking around here ?

Moravian Level 8 May 6, 2020

You’re new here, you haven’t looked at what free thinkers write, or something pissed you off and you’re not thinking.

@yvilletom Zat a fact. I am referrinmg only to the banal posting above, nothing else

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