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Being on a dating site that I had to pay for, being somewhat abused because I must believe in something but I don’t, saying controversial things in my profile, I suppose I can just be here for no cost and have the same experience minus the ontological hammering.

So far, it’s been mixed. Because I say controversial things, I best say one to prove it although if Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, I say men are from Warner Brothers and women are from Disney. Hang with me; I have a point to make or a joke.

Bugs Bunny is a New York City cab driver with a degree in philosophy. He is snarky, suspicious, dark and brooding underneath the quips in carrot chewing responses — Warner Brothers.

Snow White is from Southern California, specifically San Pedro. She is a career woman who works as an interior designer. She designed the Dwarfs’ living quarters and they surrogate her — Disney.

In the following scenario the Seven Dwarfs are assembled in the living room waiting to surrogate something. Certainly, they would not exist without Snow White, no reason to be, an ontological blankness of no perception.

Bugs and Snow come out of the bedroom looking as if they'd had a night of lovemaking. Bugs has a bent ear and lipstick is all over his fur. He looks as if he has a hangover but it is a hangover from too much Snow.

Snow’s hair is a mess, her dress has been hastily put on backward and her face is flushed. She looks happy and well disposed. She smiles and twists her body on one foot, hands folded in front of her, toes pointed to the floor.

Who is Bugs’ god? Mel Blank? A script? That is not necessary to answer but he is predictable as to what he says when in the presence of new people. He asks a question that is not a question, “What’s up, Doc”?

Let me prepare the answer to this rhetorical question. Remember, the Dwarfs function in Snow’s world. Bugs Bunny shouldn’t be here just as Snow and the Dwarfs shouldn’t be in Bugs’ cab in NYC. Forget that two dimensions collide here. It is of no matter because I’m here to help you in this cartoon Star Trek episode with no space as the frontier; this is a sociological space we are in.

What’s up, Doc has its consequential reaction and the Dwarf named Doc looks up at the ceiling and takes an assessment; cross beams, cobwebs, a few unmatched sox, dust and a few mashed sandwiches from a party with Hobbits.

Two different dimensions, two ontological worlds and two understandings of language converge and a black hole appears and sucks the whole analogy up.

Snow White is all cleanliness, orderliness, and brightness. Bugs Bunny is cynical, tells dirty jokes and is filled with ironic humor. Men are from Warner Brothers and women are from Disney.

This goes a ways to explain something of gender differences. Doc took Bugs literally and is surrogating women.

Okay, I am handsome. Love me, Goddamn it!

The war between the sexes is hormonal stupidity with both genders. To even talk about differences is a sketchy enterprise, like I care? Well, I do but I care more about honesty and a person can orient themselves to the truth any way they choose. I'm not sure what the truth is. To use every interaction as some microbe in the bloodstream of my life, you have your life.

I may be preparing a paper for my sociology class, I may be self-destructive, it could be that I am an egoist that is amazed with my own bellybutton, you don't know but I don't know either, except for the first proposition.

My favorite word in the English is the conjunction but. It can make an affirmation happen before the conjunction and acts as a caveat. She is beautiful but they still can't find the body of her husband. It's preferable to be around agnostics and atheists but they can be bigots for the left. People can seem intelligent but they can say stupid things. People can say they are freethinkers but the platform from their youth is evangelical Christianity.

Bugs Bunny and Snow White lived happily ever after raising biological abominations unto the Lord.

schway 7 Aug 23
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What a mouth full!


I have no words, you used them all! I enjoyed the surreal and the real mix in your fantasmagoric soup. Thanks!

Eldovis Level 7 Aug 23, 2018

Schwartz I enjoyed the imaginary journey we travelled on together there for around the two minutes or so it took me to read your mildly amusing piece. I am on your wavelength and know exactly what you mean. You remind me of the way my husband would give voice to his thoughts. Your mention of the conjunction is interesting, and it is very important in the English language I agree as it brings qualification to a statement. I was speaking of conjunctions with my 7 year old grandson just a few months ago....we communicate using FaceTime as he lives in England and I in Northern Ireland. I asked him what he had learned at school that day and he was eager to let me know about conjunctions....a big word at that age....he explained perfectly the function of the cojunctuve in English grammar and then he asked me if I knew that already....I said “yes of course, learned that a very long time ago when I was about your age”. He said “but Daddy didn’t know about them”! I spoke to my son later and asked him and he told me that when he was at school he never got told the name of the words he now knows to be conjunctions. That was over thirty years ago when he should have been learning this at primary school....I was shocked that he hadn’t been taught this basic building block of grammar and even more so that I hadn’t been aware of that deficiency . I think there has been a drive here in the UK to bring back the teaching of grammar at a young age which for years had not been the case.

I have digressed somewhat on your topic, and I apologise, but it just resonated with me when you wrote above of the conjunction being your favourite word. But to return to your post, and address the first two paragraphs. I am interpreting that as you are basically here looking for a partner and have been on other dating sites but have found them a disappointment so you have come on here in the hope of finding someone compatible. Certainly you will find nobody here will berate you for your lack of belief, in fact if you professed one you positively would be vilified. The advantage this site has over others is that it is not solely a dating site, and your post can be noticed by someone like me. I am not here for dating but for the interchange of ideas and philosophising it affords me away from all the religious nutters we have here. My friends may not all be nutters, but they are definitely all affiliated to some Christian denomination or another.

You may find a partner here, I hope you do but as an old bird who has been around a long time I wish to give a piece of advice. Being controversial is fine, in my time I may have been described as such myself, but without losing the essence of who you are by suppressing your natural tendency to say something that may be construed the wrong way, just tone everything down a bit. Come to this with a positive attitude, your negativity is glaringly obvious and I can tell you have had knockbacks elsewhere. Yes Men are from Mars and we women from Venus but when our orbital paths cross there may be lightning bolts in the sky or if we are lucky we can see the wonderful Aurora Borealis! I wish you luck in your quest.

@schway Okay, I believe you....glad I’m not looking .

@schway I think the difference between the way we Brits express ourselves and you guys in the US do is showing here. Firstly “mildly amusing” is used here not as a put down, but I was actually amused by it...I found it funny , not funny peculiar, but just fun to read. I think I have realised that although we have a coomon language we do not always have a language in common. If you construed my remarks as passive/aggressive then I must try and find a better way of expressing myself, as nothing could be further from the truth. I confess I hadn’t read you bio when I made my reply to your post. I read your post and thought it was an invitation to pass comment. I admit, I am rather bewildered by your response and feel you are looking for offence where none was intended.

@schway Now YOU have not read my bio! I am a very proud Scot! I love the Irish, my husband was from Belfast, but I sometimes feel I have landed on another planet here. Again, cultural differences. We Sots are famously blunt and to the point, I can only say with me....I say what I mean and mean what I say. There is no hidden agenda or twisted meaning. I am truthful but tactfully truthful I hope. I would never intentionally offend anyone, and only ask the same courtesy from others,

@schway I think the current radical feminist agenda does a great disservice to women. They should concentrate their efforts in helping throw off the shackles of misogyny experienced by their sisters living in Muslim countries. I am a strong woman who has never felt any less equal, norvcan I say that I personally have been discriminated against due to my gender. I don’t want to trivialise other women’s experiences but the “me too” movement started with genuine sexual assault, even rape cases and then the bandwagon rolled and every touch on the knee and wolf whistle became an outrage! Complete madness. If I was ever the subject of unwanted sexual gestures, as I was in my younger day, frequently, I either slapped away the hand or gave vent to full invective in graphic Anglo Saxon! Problem dealt with.....Wolf whistling......loved it, wiggled my hips all the more, miss it now l no longer get it! These women must all be brain dead ninnies who can’t deal with these normal every day occurances. I like men, always have and in some ways I have a masculine brain, this came from my son as I had never really thought about it...he said I read male books which I laughed at, but afterwards I thought about it and remembered my mother saying I had no time for dolls but wanted to play with my brothers more masculine toys, and go train spotting with his pals. I worked in a male environment and at home with two sons and a husband, all well over 6ft was more at home talking male topics than frilly froufrou women’s topics! So perhaps I do not represent the profile of the typical female.

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