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Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?

Foothold 4 Nov 26
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No, but I can't say that death is the end because I haven't crossed that bridge yet.


No. I believe after we die we cease to exist.


NO, I don't. I stop believing in imaginary things last February. Those things were made up man to control the gulible fools. Only free thinkers accept the truth of reality about our existence. So, live life to the fullest, because there is no after life.

freedom41 Level 9 Nov 26, 2018

There’s no evidence of heaven or hell but I will say this. Hell is the most despicable thing ever invented in the minds of men. The idea of infinite punishment for a finite crime makes no sense to me. I wouldn’t want to go to heaven if I had to be near a god that would come up with such a place as hell. Unless hell is a cool place where people party all the time. Then I might go there.

So far as heaven goes I can’t deny that I have my own ideas of what I would want it to be like even though it’s probably not real. Everyone would get their own universe which they can make it into whatever they wanted it to be. This is wishful thinking but that’s what I would want heaven to be if I had a say in it.

If there’s no afterlife though that’s a kind of heaven in itself though. Because when you’re dead, you have no knowledge of pain and suffering. That doesn’t sound so bad now does it?


Only as they already exist on earth in the human mind.

Heraclitus Level 8 Nov 26, 2018

Hi. This is your first post congratulations .The site ,note the title .Most of us in fact all of us would say no.

Xanadutoo Level 7 Nov 26, 2018

Yes! but they only exist by the believers.

Eldovis Level 7 Nov 26, 2018

Life after death would be great but if it isn't then we end. Ok, but heaven and hell are simply fictional constructs religion uses to extort cash. Don't fall for it.

JSchaper Level 6 Nov 26, 2018

Heaven and hell are places on Earth...

They don't even exist. They are just "terms" or "word"




No. That is the short and most concise answer. Without evidence it is the only conclusion I can make.

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