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Here's something. This week, I was contacted by two different (maybe) male site members. Both of them in their 50s. One claimed to be an orthopedic surgeon on duty in Syria. The other from Houston but working in Russia, above the Arctic Circle. The "surgeon" complained when I asked him why he contacted someone my age. Then he asked me something that caused me to explain that I had been catfished on another site and was a little bit cautious. The one in Russia asked for my phone number. The next day both of them had disappeared from the members and their emails to me were erased. The next day I was contacted on Zoosk by some guy in his 60s looking for an "older" woman to fill the void in his life left by his dead wife. He asked for my phone number and I gave it to him. The next day he disappeared off Zoosk, or else he blocked me and didn't call. I'm only mentioning this as a caution that the catfishers are on sites where you wouldn't expect them. I think they might have compared my phone number to the one I gave out on POF and realized they had the same fish who was suspicious of any worms they threw at me. I'm just sayin', they can pretend to be women, too.

SiouxcitySue 8 Apr 4
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Giving out your phone number is a nono... Expect some scammer calls soon...

I get those all the time, from long before this shit started.


Thanks for sharing.I never give out my number until I have met someone in person, nor will I contact them by phone if they give me theirs. I try to always play it safe.

For some of us we have to get knocked down a couple of times to learn to stay down.

@SiouxcitySue I hope not to hard. I was lucky enough that when I became single for the first time in my life in my 50's to have a life long single women friend take me under her wing and teach me how to keep myself safe and how not to get scamed.


Why do people do that? I don't understand.....

@dan325 button what end?


No shit happens to everyone

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 4, 2019
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