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Being a free thinker, I have had religious people tell me that I am sinful. Anybody else go through this?

SKH78 8 Aug 4
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Believers are sinful to other religious people and atheists. God never said it. What is the religion of God?

allmighty Level 6 Aug 7, 2019

If there is sin, then intolerance and discrimination is sinful.

@adaptable1958 How about Mark 12:30?


That's really funny... Being free to think is something they don't have or want to have.. it's so much easier for other's to tell them what to think.. they don't have to do they're own research...


All of us, when I was just a teen and came out to my holly roller family as an atheist, they all told me how sad they were for me, because I will burn in hell.


There is not a single man or woman without sinful activities. We are all self interested . Presense of this type thought in our mind and harbouring and nourishing it is also a sin. Useless accumulation of money by a single man is also a sin. The question is whether we are extending the sinful activities or minimising the sinful activities.

allmighty Level 6 Aug 5, 2019

I’ve been told I’m going to Hell because I once took communion in a Catholic Church and haven’t been baptised

just wondering who said it to you

@lookinhard it was a fellow student when I was taking my Arts degree!


Not yet. But no friends or family know yet.

freedom41 Level 9 Aug 5, 2019


Sticks48 Level 9 Aug 5, 2019

There is not a single man or woman without sinful activities. We are all self interested . Presense of this type thought in our mind and harbouring and nourishing it is also a sin. Useless accumulation of money by a single man is also a sin. The question is whether we are extending the sinful activities or minimising the sinful activities.

allmighty Level 6 Aug 4, 2019

There is no such thing as "sin". There is immorality, and for some folks that is subjective.

So no law abiding society is required.

@allmighty Morality and laws are not always the same. It used to be legal to own a person and torture or even kill that person. Legal, but obviously immoral. All through history we have seen morality and laws at odds with each other. It is considered immoral by most people to cheat on a spouse. It is not illegal. The lines do blur at times.

@Sticks48 I agree that. Though morality is not
fixed ideas. It also varies time to time. As legislation may also changes.Morality is society based ideas and legality is an outcome of state power.


Fuck the idiot religious nuts in their ears for all their hell threats and heaven bribes forgiving themselves for ANY CRIME and condemnation of you for truthful Atheism


which religious people and how did the subject get brought up?

Religious co-workers - this was decades ago when fundies could preach at their jobs and keep their jobs - now there is more public consciousness about preaching on the job.



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