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Why do some atheists or agnostics still feel so unsecured and not in peace?

They want to be loved as much as a regular theist person?
Sometiimes atheists become agnostics by mind. And agnostics are the people who are never sure. Can these be the reasons?

I know It may vary from person to person or country to country . But atleast give me some all-embracing reasons.

ShareefShourov 3 Oct 22
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You are an xian troll asking a false leading stereotype sort of have no place here falsely defining Agnosticism / Atheism....go back to your cult and query them why they surrender their brains and pride to agree to be "sinners" born bad needing blood to drink and skin to eat of a never existed alleged baby gawd born in a dirty donkey stable birthed by an alleged vaginal virgin....believe ALL THAT STUPID SHIT and come here to piss on us ??? Stuff geebush jeehobah ghostholes up your anus as a non existent suppository


Most of the the atheists (and non atheists) I know, including myself, feel so unsecured (sic) because in the US we have a batshit crazy president who hates americans. It leaves us with a feeling of discord which causes us to not feel peace. So far as my inner self, I am very secure and at peace in my atheism.


My late partner was an immigrant from Iran. She was the only girl with 4 brothers and her mother encouraged her to ask questions (it was a Moslem family) and she did. She said from the time she could reason she thought religion was silly. She was 5'0", 100 lobs, dark haired with a big smile. She was loved not only by people she met but even by people who heard of her reputation. It didn't matter if they were religious or not. It's often about personality and even body language. She often made fun of religion and no one cared.

JackPedigo Level 9 Oct 23, 2019

In my experience it is theists who are the most insecure as they keep having to struggle with the logical contradictions of their faiths and constantly repress their doubts. However, atheists/agnostics constantly have to withstand and fight the prejudice and intolerance of theists. This is probably what you have noticed.

Heraclitus Level 8 Oct 23, 2019

I think many do not feel secure or not peaceful because of many other factors besides being atheist or agnostic...


Because they are people! It’s got nothing to do with agnosticism or atheism!😳

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Oct 23, 2019

Do you mean insecure? Unsecured is when something is not nailed down or roped in...and hardly applies in the above context. Actually your whole premise is completely wrong, and I don’t understand where you get the idea that atheists or agnostics are insecure and not at peace. “They want to be loved as much as a regular theist person?” The implication there is theists are loved, but atheists and agnostics are not. Love is a human emotion and something all humans are capable of feeling and showing, regardless of our belief systems. I for one am an atheist and agnostic who is not insecure fact quite the reverse, I’m a happy, secure individual who loves others, and in return feels loved and am pretty well at peace within myself. It’s just the outside world of politics and religion which bring division and differences that worry me.

Please don't validate xian troll bullshit insulting questions....I told him to go fuck himself back in his cult building with other cultists

@GreenAtheist you can deal with him your way...but I will deal with him in mine.

@Marionville ok...hopefully he will close his account in shame and pitiful ineptness

@GreenAtheist we can live in hope!


Who said some atheists or agnostics still feel so unsecured and not in peace? This is completely crafted.

allmighty Level 6 Oct 23, 2019

Some people are still dealing with issues of religious upbringing. I know I'm still dealing with them and sure they will be with me for a long time. I'm slowly coming to terms with them and finding the peace I have been looking for a long time. I know I don't want to commit suicide any more. So, I have found some peace as an Atheist. The last year and 3/4 have been the most peaceful and enlightening of my adult life.

freedom41 Level 9 Oct 23, 2019
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