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Hello everyone. Has anyone read (or watched) Graham Handcock or Randall Carlson on human origins and catastrophe theory regarding our ancient past? Curious to hear other peoples' opinion on this emerging science that the Establishment is desperate to discredit.

ExculpatoryLover 5 Nov 2
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I attended a speech, and got a signed copy of Richard Leakey's "Origins, Reconsidered".

My point is this; a good scientist wants to be proven wrong. (S)he welcomes new evidence which disputes their original theories. Even Leakey wrote a book about it.


Not so sure about an emerging science. I do know that Hancock’s academic pedigree is in sociology and journalism.

I have read Hancock, along with Baigent and Leigh. and much of it seems to fall into the pseudoscience category.

Although entertaining, the Hancock work I have read, the one about The Ark of The Covenant, doesn’t seem to hold much academic water, but informed speculation.

The emerging science I referenced is the cosmic catastrophe (comet or meteor impact on the North American Ice Sheet) which ended the Ice Age. Randall Carlson is a geologist who has worked on this for nearly 50 years in the field. The video I provided below is comprehensive and includes skeptics who get their hats handed to them in the debate. Did you watch it or no? I was seeking comments on the science presented, not necessarily the writings of the author Graham Handcock who is just asking the right questions.

@ExculpatoryLover I didn’t see it posted there. Thanks


I've been enjoying his videos for some time now. I love his theory that human civilisation goes back much further than 6000 years and that Noah's Flood is probably the floods at the end of the last Ice Age around 12000 BC.

brentan Level 8 Nov 2, 2019

William Ryan and Walter Pittman, two geologists at Columbia University, argue that Noah's flood and the Gilgamesh flood (which was probably the basis of the Noah's flood story) occurred around 5600 BC when the land bridge between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea collapsed creating the Bosporus strait. Before that, the Black Sea was an isolated freshwater lake. The swollen Mediterranean was a result of the melting ice from the last ice age.

@Heraclitus That has always made the most sense to me!

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