10 7

Let’s free up our thinking.

People who put all the blame on one party are tools of the other party. Let’s postpone our partisan battles until the people we elect can no longer become predators who make us their prey.

Voters in eighteen states have the direct initiative, referendum and recall (DIRR) and are doing it. When voters in the other 32 states and the nation have the DIRR, we can resume our partisan battles and compete to reduce the corruption.

When you tire of being prey, . . . .

yvilletom 8 Nov 14
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But, but, the politicians are happy with being corrupted.

Jolanta Level 9 Nov 16, 2019

Of course, Jolanta. I ran for elective office once and have gIven the prospect much thought. I would happily let voters put me where I can be corrupted, but the competition would be fierce.


I wish we ( the people) had more power for DIRR when it comes to federal appointed positions, so many unqualified people being put in life long jobs.

Only President Arthur then Carter has reformed government hiring and appointing .... Andrew Johnson was impeached for firing and replacing Lincoln Secretary of War. TrumpOLINI is falling into the same trap. His tweets are nailing his political coffin together. He can save himself by apologizing for his antics today. No matter how Ms Marie Ambassador answered false leading questions today, fundamental misogyny is worse than Clinton demanding a blow job from Paula Jones. TrumpOLINI is his own worst enemy.....Romney could line up 19 other fake moralistic Rethuglicans for a slim 67 vote conviction....doing so will make the White House the new WACO fundamentalist home of Pence for 9 more about Pandora Box .....Pence calls himself: " Rush LimpBOSS ON DECAF " That is Mormon code for no coffee drinking by millions of women forced to stay pregnant for 9 more years

@GreenAtheist I would like to see no goverment jobs, state or federal be a lifetime appointment, IMO, they all should have term limits and a way to remove them before their time is up, if needed.

@Mermaidfantasy Allcee Hastings was the last lifetime judge impeached and removed from Federal Court of Appeals....he promptly got elected to Congress and had been there over 20 years age the House announced his lifelong sex affair with his lawyer and staff member is cause to lose his seat from Florida....the same rule the California lady violated having sex with her staff so she resigned rather than pretend to be innocent....Hastings may take months before Pelosi conducts a trial on the House floor....Trafficant of Ohio was the last tried and expelled decades ago


Although I think DIRR is a good idea, I don't really have high hopes it will make much of a difference. I have known of and heard of initiatives, referendums and recalls for over 50 years and yet corruption seems worse now than I have ever experienced.

Heraclitus Level 8 Nov 15, 2019

I became politically active 47 years ago and I’m paying more attention to corruption now that I was 50 years ago.


We have initiatives here and, in this area one initiative writer has found a way to make a living and uses the process for his own gain and the state just lost a huge source of revenue from one of his bad initiatives. Nothing is perfect and everything can be gamed.

JackPedigo Level 9 Nov 15, 2019

Jack, does “bad initiative” mean bad for you or bad for me?
For whom was his initiative bad? And was it one of your state's direct or indirect initiatives? Indirect initiatives are easily gamed.

@yvilletom He is a conservative and always pushes libertarian type initiatives. The latest one was to freeze the car tabs to $30. Every public entity in several counties were against it (not one group endorsed it). This will decimate funding for many public transportation projects. As usual, the more rural/conservative parts of the states say they are tired for paying for the regions transportation packages (which will also effect road maintenance in all parts of the state). I did know there was a difference, it will be challenged and, in the past some have been overturned.


Ratify Amendment ONE in 27 more states restore your 12 BILL of RIGHTS local democracy in Congress 50 thousand persons per Congressional district send 6000+ honest trusted locals to OUTVOTE the 435 bribed incumbents there now

What is text of Amendment ONE? Searching doesn't get it.

I want VA to ratify the ERA.

@yvilletom BILL of RIGHTS text are cursive letters easy to read all 12 Amendments of 1789....the last ten were ratified 15 Dec'1791.....2nd Amendment was ratified 1992 now listed as the 27th often referred to as THE APPORTIONMENT OF CONGRESS AMENDMENT wrongly listed as a failed amendment ....3 are still pending with no time limit....ERA has twice been given additional 7 years and Tallahassee will likely be 38th state in January

@yvilletom Article The FIRST is a phase in formula for population LIMITS on Congressional Districts as more states enter the union......upon reaching 200 seats "thirty thousand persons" is the limit ....300 seats "fourty thousand persons" after the 300th seat is filled "fifty thousand persons" is the limit....end of Amendment....Kentucky was last to ratify 1793 a slave state allowed to count slaves as 3/5ths people not allowed to vote at any age


One for the Americans. Sounds progressive.


Well, I generally enjoy parties, however I don't think we're discussing Jose Cuervo Time here. Both political parties appear to be equally corrupt but it's the system we've got, so I think keeping an open mind until the fat lady sings, as they say, is a good thing. However, it is difficult to suffer some fools gladly, so I don't.


People who don't put blame on one party are tools of the that party.

allmighty Level 6 Nov 15, 2019


bobwjr Level 10 Nov 14, 2019

Your words are wise. I hope people listen and act.

EdEarl Level 8 Nov 14, 2019
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