9 4

Just had one of the roll my eyes so far they hurt experiences.

Most of my savings are in FDIC insured bank CD's but I do have a small bit of money in money market, stocks etc. Invested through a financial group.

Just got an email from them.

". . . We are praying for our world leaders, your families, and our team as we continue the mission to educate in power and equip you to make good financial decisions. May your families be safe and know that we are as always committed to the service we have promised and delivered on for many years. "

Would be a Face-palm moment but trying to avoid touching my face. . . .

Have you encountered similar responses to the current situation?

NoMagicCookie 8 Mar 20
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Yeah disheartening

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 21, 2020

An update:

Just got another email from them (no hint of praying to a make believe god this time).
Between the lines it sounds like they are being bombarded by frantic investors.

This time they noted they are monitoring the situation, clean their offices, and are open to business . . and you can now do an appointment by phone . .


Nope.. Not at all... I speak to my stock broker over the phone...


When it comes to all those dummies that part by or in front of the door, where there is no parking spaces marked on the ground at certain gas stations. Parking so close to the building will not save from the virus. Most likely it increases the employees getting it. Those people need to give fuck about the people in retail. We are not worthless animals.

freedom41 Level 9 Mar 20, 2020

No, I try not to let others handle my finances. The one IRA was with a non-profit (and non-prophet) group TIAA. Except for a small amount I have been done with them for several years.

JackPedigo Level 9 Mar 20, 2020

Fucking hell. Glad I don’t live your side of the Pacific!

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Mar 20, 2020

Good observation!

From what I have read the USA's pandemic growth mirrors Italy. At this rate, we will soon surpass Italy's death rate. I have a friend that is an RN and she is terrified. They don't have masks, not enough gloves, etc. As a nation we don't have enough testing supplies. Our for profit medical infrastructure is not prepared for this event.

This morning I drove to Best Buy to pick up a monitor before they closed (got the last one) (lots of empty shelves in monitors and computer parts (never seen the store that way)) and noticed a few guys standing by a huge pile of what looked like a few truck loads of poles used to support tents in the parking lot of Lowels. One had a paper they were all working off of, pointing at locations in the huge parking lot. Think they are planning to put up many thousands of square feet of tents to sell plants (they usually put up tents to sell plants this time of year) but this was a significantly larger pile of metal then I have ever seen in the past, almost like they were planning a field hospital that could support hundreds of beds. Really hope this is not the case. We have better indoor areas that would be much better as it is still cold here. There are enough church pews to seat every person in the area . . but in three weeks (when they (ok I based on the progression of the disease found in the wild and people moved in mass to hospitals,) expect the hospitals to be overwhelmed) the weather should be better so tents could work.

@NoMagicCookie I hope it all goes well there. It’s such a shame you have such a dumbfuck in charge.

Nations in crisis, or any organisations for that matter, need strong leadership if just as a figurehead for encouragement and positivity.

With that buffoon there is as much chance as Churchill coming back to life!


I hope you replied to them, that you don't need hope and payers, but sound investments.


I hope you responded and encouraged them to use scientific data analysis to protect your assets instead of silly prayers.

Lorajay Level 9 Mar 20, 2020

Funny. Normal day I would but things here have quickly and significantly changed. A lot of scared people. YMCA closed, All schools in the state closed, restaurants closed, some retail stores still open with limited time for two more days but many will soon only have curb-side purchases?/(close?) LOTS of newly unemployed people. I anticipate many (people and businesses) will not be around (fiscally and physically (alive)) in the near future so I'll just roll my eyes and let them live in their fantasy land over facts. In this red (republican) (tRump (fantasy over facts) following) state, last week, many didn't think the virus would hit us.


Would not inspire me with confidence in their financial expertise ...and I find it totally unprofessional to invoke god instead of trying to reassure the
clients of their ability and judgement to read the markets and invest their funds wisely.

I share that response but in these parts, ND, this is expected. 😟

@NoMagicCookie This could never happen in the U.K.

@Marionville Nor Australia. They would tell the company to get f...ed and change the provider.

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