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I spend a lot of time thinking about what the dream makers actually are and what they compose of and why they exist and what their motives are and what they are capable of doing. It's certain that there are entities within our mind which both orchestrate, create, and allow us to interact with elements of a dream, and there is a higher consciousness that produces these simulations in 3D, rendering them and producing them for us to explore. To what extent are these brain processes conscious and to what extent do they have intentions and goals for our well-being and to use us for their benefit? What are their greatest desires and could they in fact be thought of as another facet of ourselves? Are we stronger than we are or are we elements of subliminal conditioning? I write extensively about dreams and these are questions that are yet unanswered though I have the tendency to assume the existence of a second kind which I shall investigate further.

amyramoon 4 Apr 4
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Dreams are only a regurgitation of what we have already done and seen...the brain is just like a giant computer with all our past life experiences inside. I don’t believe we can dream of something that isn’t already inside our own past knowledge and memory bank, and I don’t believe our brain processes when we dream are in any way conscious. I have no idea what I dream and only rarely remember any of mine, except when I have been awakened suddenly by some external stimulus. I know some people have recurring dreams which disturb their sleep causing them to wake, but that is due to some underlying emotional disturbance in their lives and usually they have experienced some kind of trauma or upset. Why we dream what we do, and when we dream it, is I believe caused by memories triggered when we sleep due to what we may have heard and seen during our period of that day whilst we were awake, but our recall of them is mixed through with other past events and people, rendering them incoherent. In other words, I don’t believe that there is any degree of sense or significance in what we dream, unless it recurs and becomes problematic, then we need to seek medical help.


“It's certain that there are entities within our mind which both orchestrate, create, and allow us to interact with elements of a dream”

What brings you to this conclusion?

@amyramoon I suspect there are a hatful of psychologists and psychoanalysts that would question that hypothesis.

Are they only apparent in dream states or in waking states as well?

@amyramoon how can you be sure of what you think you know? You say you know that some entities basically hide themselves because knowing about them causes insanity. If you know about them and their supposed tendencies, would you then, by your own words, consider yourself insane?

I have a monkey mind whose little hamster wheel spins, and spins, and spins some more. All the chatter of ideas, thoughts of yesterday, dinner, my mom's passing, her voice, my voice questioning the meaning of life, how do I solve my queer problems that I invent, et al. All that noise is me. I don't consciously do it, but it is all me because I see me innards better than I see me outters. Yes, I realize that outters is not a word and I should have written my instead of me. I am taking liberty here. Nonetheless, all the noise is my fragments of busy vying for attention while I am awake. Thankfully, Xanax and a TV shut the chatter of my busy brain and allow for a peaceful night's sleep.

To those who are awake and who think that another or others are talking to them in their head, it usually means there are mental issue such as schizophrenia. This is not to say that the individual does not hear the voices; it just means that the voice is perceived to be that of another or others instead of one's self.

I hope you can own your own noise once you get to know it. Perhaps it will make dreams better if you know you are the creator.

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