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New joined the site. Site has a problem with sending me activation link emails, hope I still can post before site c/s resolves the issue.

Globally and here in America several trends deserve some attention:

  1. printed money (remember pandemic Quantitative Easement policies every country around the globe?) STILL flooding EVERYWHERE! perhaps except China, where investors are pulling out, adding money supply pressure in other countries and markets.

  2. perhaps that's the real driving force behind the inflations.

  3. meaning that money has to go somewhere. with the easiest places being stock market and real estate (except commercial real estate which is taking a serious beating & no where to come back up.)

(Gupta, a professor at New York University's Stern School of Business, and his colleagues published a research report late last year saying that from 2019 to 2022, the value of the U.S. office building market decreased by $664.1 billion. In order to make up for the tax losses, cities can cut municipal services or Raise other types of taxes. However, doing so will force businesses and residents to relocate, further eroding the tax base and exacerbating the problem. Gupta likened the situation to an "urban doom loop." )

  1. Jerome Powell just revealed a hidden reason why inflation is staying high: The economy is increasingly uninsurable.
    Housing and auto insurance costs are soaring because of climate change and more expensive car parts, says Fed Chairman Jerome Powell.

In conclusion,
Don't hope for any magic inflation cooling down, or quick or drastic interest rate drop.
Do expect stock market and home real estate to stay high as these over flowing money HAS to go somewhere!

Vinnie 3 Mar 16
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We like FACTS on this site, thankyuvurrymuch....
Try reading and understanding the excellent post by @Polemicist below and stop blathering about BS.

I am leaving this group because of people such as you. who can't SEE THE FACTS in a post and reply with rude manners. Freethinkers use their brain, not just blathering with nonsense replies.

@Vinnie Bu-bye


There were four instances of quantitative easing starting in 2008 with the last in 2020.

Polemicist Level 7 Mar 16, 2024

www..http//1970: Inflation rate approximately 5.84%.
1971: Around 4.29%.
1972: Approximately 3.27%.
1973: About 6.22%.
1974: The inflation rate surged to 11.05%.
1975: It remained high at 9.14%.
1976: Around 5.74%.
1977: Approximately 6.50%.
1978: The inflation rate reached 7.63%.
1979: It soared to 11.27%.
1980: A staggering 13.55%.
1981: The highest in recent history, at 10.32%.
1982: Around 6.13%.
1983: Approximately 3.21%.
1984: It decreased to 4.30%.
1985: About 3.55%.
1986: Approximately 1.90%.
1987: Around 3.66%.
1988: The inflation rate was 4.08%.
1989: It reached 4.83%.
1990: Approximately 5.40%.
1991: Around 4.23%.
1992: The rate was 3.03%.
1993: About 2.95%.
1994: Approximately 2.61%.
1995: It remained stable at 2.81%.
1996: Around 2.93%.
1997: The inflation rate was 2.34%.
1998: Approximately 1.55%.
1999: About 2.19%.
2000: Around 3.38%.
2001: The rate was 2.83%.
2002: Approximately 1.59%.
2003: Around 2.27%.
2004: The inflation rate stood at 2.68%.
2005: Approximately 3.39%.
2006: About 3.23%.
2007: Around 2.85%.
2008: The rate surged to 3.84%.
2009: It dropped to -0.36% due to the financial crisis.
2010: Approximately 1.64%.
2011: Around 3.16%.
2012: The inflation rate was 2.07%.
2013: Approximately 1.46%.
2014: About 1.62%.
2015: Around 0.12%.
2016: The rate increased to 1.26%.
2017: Approximately 2.13%.
2018: Around 2.44%.
2019: The inflation rate was 1.81%.
2020: Approximately 1.23%.
2021: About 4.70%.
2022: It surged to 8.00% due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
2023: The year ended with an inflation rate of 3.4%.

Polemicist Level 7 Mar 16, 2024

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