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As an Introvert, I am careful and cautious. Can anyone else relate to this?

SKH78 8 Dec 16
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Yes, I am careful and cautious. Too much external stimulation from outside sources drain me (animated co-workers, office parties, social functions, etc.). So I tend not to do them very much, if at all, but sometimes it can be hard, especially if at work. I watch my mouth and what I say, though if I am comfortable in my surroundings and who I'm with, I can be more engaging.

BlackDove Level 7 Dec 25, 2018

Yes, because I pick and choose how and where to expend my energy. I get easily overwhelmed if I socialize too much. But if I'm somewhere where I'm feeling comfortable and relaxed, I never want to leave.

bleurowz Level 8 Dec 17, 2018

For me it depends. I am cautious in unfamiliar settings or new situations. I listen mostly and speak rarely. But in familiar settings or situations, I can bravely speak my truth.

Chris0615 Level 5 Dec 16, 2018

Yes, me too!


I am careful with what I say to other people. I have been betrayed and burned too many times by people I thought I could trust.

Kynlei Level 8 Dec 16, 2018

Yes but it's really just self protection ?


"Introversion is the state of being predominantly interested in one's own mental self. Introverts are typically perceived as more reserved or reflective. Some popular psychologists have characterized introverts as people whose energy tends to expand through reflection and dwindle during interaction." -- Wikipedia

Wikipedia doesn't discuss careful and cautious as characteristics of introversion. I would expect someone who is fearful to be careful, cautious and quiet, and the level of fear a person feels is thought to be greater in those with a large amygdala.

EdEarl Level 8 Dec 16, 2018

For the most part theres no fear for introverts. But we are careful about socializing.

@MojoDave @EdEarl The definition of introversion, as I've come to understand it, is that introverts tend to be drained from social contact and energized by being alone, while for extroverts it's the opposite. Thus introverts can appear more cautious and reserved in social situations for that reason. Unfortunately this is misunderstood and/or looked down upon in our society, and why introverts are more prone to developing social anxiety or shyness -- or even if they don't, are considered to have these conditions.

@bleurowz wow! new photo

@bleurowz I'm borderline introvert-extrovert, and have some understanding of both sides. The original post was not entirely clear what was meant by careful an cautious. I think you and @MojoDave cleared it up.

@EdEarl I've heard the term "ambivert" meaning a mixture of both. But I don't think it's legit in clinical circles.

@TheDoubter Pic is actually from last year (on my way to opening night of The Last Jedi); I felt brave enough to post it now. I don't look much different though.


it goes with the territory

TheDoubter Level 9 Dec 16, 2018

I think as introverts we often find we have to build a kind of shell around ourselves to avoid being damaged by the extroverts bouncing around out there. We look around carefully before emerging from our shell and that makes us seem perhaps more cautious than we could be if the world was kinder to us.

CeliaVL Level 7 Dec 16, 2018

Excellent point ?


@SimonCyrene Thank you!

@CeliaVL i love brevity. And you summed it up pretty well ? Love n kisses for that ? (as long as you don't feel that too over-whelming; in which case i withdraw all my comments ???)

@SimonCyrene Not too keen on kisses from strangers, but since it is purely figurative I won't leap away!


Yes, fairly cautious most of the time, but too direct sometimes and taken to be rude or arrogant. I keep working on my people skills but it doesn't come naturally.

MojoDave Level 9 Dec 16, 2018

I didn't realize being an introvert had anything to do with it. I thought I was just deeply flawed because I didn't easily trust people. Now I know I am deeply flawed for other reasons, too, but I guess being an introvert could be part of it. Who knew?

citronella Level 7 Dec 16, 2018

I don't believe you are any more deeply flawed than the rest of us! Much more likely you have been judged by people who are not like you and don't like differences.

All of us have some flaws. But I really think our good points outweigh the flaws.

Introversion is not a flaw, it's a personality trait. Unfortunately one that isn't understood, and I think we're also more prone to develop coping mechanisms to manage it, like social anxiety, shyness, depression, et al. Anyway, that's been my journey, to sort all this stuff out.


yes, very careful lol

AmmaRE007 Level 7 Dec 16, 2018

Yes, of course.

BitFlipper Level 8 Dec 16, 2018

Oh yes. Especially when it comes to a potential relationship. I'm learning to just be out there and be myself.

Wildflower Level 8 Dec 16, 2018

Oh yes. I am careful to a point, but sometimes I just let it fly and let the chips fall where they may. I do think about what could happen though.

EricJones Level 8 Dec 16, 2018
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