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The value of my investments have been dropping like a lead brick lately , so I was pleasantly surprised to see a significant rebound today . Turns out it has to do with a Federal Reserve announcement about their plans to reduce their purchases to a total of about 15 billion in a combination of treasury notes and mortgage backed loans , for the upcoming year . Wish I knew how to move this type of news announcement from the news headlines to this group post .

Cast1es 9 Dec 15
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Hey man, I totally understand your disappointment. I was in the same position when I started investing a couple of years ago. However, you get more and more experienced with each day, so there's no need to panic. Always keep an eye on the latest news, and you'll be fine. You should also remember that these dips are incredible opportunities to develop your portfolio. If you're in need of cash, there are several options how to make money online without paying anything. Just chill out, continue investing, and enjoy the ride! Cheers mate.


It happens from time to time that business doesn't go as smoothly as we like it. And in those times, we must know how to act. Things are more complicated when we are investing ourselves. For example, I wanted to start investing in real estate. But I had second thoughts because everybody does it, and I thought I wouldn't do much business. And then I read this [] and realized real estate is more than buying an apartment and then renting it. It's a whole industry. Now I have one of the top-paying jobs here.

Karl5G Level 4 Jan 3, 2022

I bought , improved , maintained , and rented out property , while living in a dump in order to be able to do it . At one point , I owned ( in connection with my Credit Union ) four properties , until my spine gave out , and I could no longer maintain them . At which point , I began looking more into stock investing . Tenants feel they should pay less than the cost of mortgage , insurance , and taxes , and have no problem not paying rent or paying only partial rent , when they don't feel like going to work on a regular basis . They also feel no obligation to take care of a rented unit while they are living there . While you often read/hear about evil landlords , you seldom are shown the whole picture . Some tenants seem to feel very priviliged , as if you owe them a beautiful place to more into and they own neither you nor the property anything in return . Yes , you can make a profit , in real estate , but you can also take a loss , even if you invest in REITs , rather than in the property itself directly .


Also noticed that the 15 billion that the Fed Reserve is not going to put into Treasury Notes and Mortgages , is exactly the same amount , 15 billion that NASA is spending on putting their latest maximum mirror lens into space .

Cast1es Level 9 Dec 15, 2021

Thank you ChurchLess . Now why can't I do this ?


It is caused by the Feds attempting to reduce inflation. The bad side is new Mortgages will go up.

ChurchLess Level 7 Dec 15, 2021
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Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by PinkyandtheBrainGood correction. I actually consulted with a lot of people.

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