Anyone ever wondered if raccoons like Fizzoli pasta? Well here's the proof. I was out of chicken nuggets tonight, so she got nuts, grapes, apples and Alfredo Carbonela. She's definitely NOT worried about her girlish figure. (She's one BIG raccoon. Cute as crap!!!!)
(Sorry, I can't rotate the pics to be upright. Not sure what that's about.)
@SeaGreenEyez, if it is an iPhone you can rotate the picture and edit the brightness on the phone before you upload the photo. You can probably do the same with an Android phone, but I havenโt tried it on one of those.
Just don't give it cat food, ok? Wayyyy too high in protein and can harm their kidneys.
@SeaGreenEyez I'm sure you'll do the right thing but people sometimes think cat food's ok for wild animals...and it's NOT! I like raccoons a lot...they're really BALLSY!
@SeaGreenEyez Just be cautious. Mamma mammals can be MEAN!
@SeaGreenEyez If the baby's old enough to make it alone, my advice would be to set up a radio or some sound system to encourage them to move along. Cut down the food and let them live a safer life away from us.
@SeaGreenEyez Good plan! I know they're fun and cute as hell when they're little...but we have to do what's really right for them...and not for us. You've had the fun of being ''godmother,'' right?
you have such cute animals there. I'll swap you for possums, if you throw in squirrels.
@SeaGreenEyez some of them are very white and darken as they age. He'll eat the snails and ''rolly-poly'' bugs in your yard.
@LucyLoohoo just what I need
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