what happens if he is right and you are wrong, though? Will you come back and apologize?
You scare me mostly bc evidence the fluoride is working lol
@bbyrd009 You sound like a Fox cultist... I am not wrong you are...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz if that is true--which it might be--why be such a dick about it? "I am not wrong..." lol how tf would you know? You are displaying all of the classic symptoms of dunning-kruger, or gnosticism as it used to be known, and i nonetheless wish you the best ok. Have a nice day
@bbyrd009 Thank you for proving my point....
@Lizard_of_Ahaz ok quack, and fwiw i doubt the georgia guidestones were erected by any fringe 4chan thinkers either ok pal
they were erected by the ppl you are stumping for, hello
your point is on the top of your head i guess
@bbyrd009 Dixiecrats who are now Republicans.... Learn some actual history if you want to impress people with something other than your level of ignorance please...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz yeh, not interested in the whack-a-mole-with-a-troll thing anymore, sorry
BTW, thought you might be interested...
The CDC also recommends brains & a genuine sense of humor before Posting Memes, so there's that.
For a supposed comedy satire site, the Babylon bee (fer Christians, bi Christians) is about as amusing as hydrochloric acid enema
This isn't as bad as most of his Posts, tho inane it's slightly amusing. Most are just uninformed & dangerous.
Related content. [babylonbee.com]
Is this supposed to be satire reflecting on face masks?
If so, stupid is as stupid does!
@FrayedBear ”imagine a vaccine so effective you have to be threatened to take it, for a virus so lethal you have to be tested to know if you have it” paraphrased. But I wish you the best in your isolating yourself from the herd too, ok
@bbyrd009 Best of luck you both you and BDairhead in removing yourselves from the herd.... After all that is effectively what the anti-vaxxer and anti-masker stances are...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz well Liz, not to put too fine a point on this, but it was orig “flatten the curve” precisely bc a “corona”virus cannot be escaped, and the very best thing one can do in defense is pump up their immunity. Of course no one could steal trillions of dollars from you with that advice, so there ya go I guess.
The herd will all test positive for the virus eventually, iow
@bbyrd009 Anything that reduces your possibility of death or permanent disability by a significant factor should be of interest to anyone who isn't either suicidal or a complete moron....
"so there ya go I guess"
@Lizard_of_Ahaz yikes, what is with the superiority complexes here lol
Liz, imo one of the major drivers of species survival is diversity, and i got no prob with anyone wants to vaccinate, ok? But of course you have a prob with me not vaccinating, right?
Now i ask you, who does that sound like, if not a “believer?”
best of luck to you ok
@bbyrd009 Actually I do have a problem with it because it endangers everyone else who uses their brain and does get vaccinated because the unvaccinated act as a breeding ground for new variants. What this means is that when a significant portion of the population goes unvaccinated the chances of a variant of the virus that the vaccine won't protect people from and will kill even more readily than this one does appearing is pretty much a given. If you want to all be moved into a small region to live without being vaccinated so you can all die together without infecting others my attitude is go for it....
@Pralina1 Don't worry if he is lucky enough to be awakened from the medical coma with only one limb missing and other medical issues like heart, lung and kidney problems whining about it we can always laugh and answer "I told you but you wouldn't listen would you?..."
@Pralina1, @Lizard_of_Ahaz guys, imo you are entitled to your Rockefeller opinion ok, but I expect that will change again, since it has already changed from “flatten the curve” which I’m sure the ama and ptb so quickly abandoned bc it was truth.
A healthy immune system will have no problems with a coronavirus, as the numbers y’all are denying/ignoring make quite plain; nonetheless i respect your right to inject yourself with experimental medicines, thimerosal (mercury) and really whatever else you feel might best protect your health, ok?
i’m 60, i smoke rips, and my sister got symptomatic COVID 19 already, with some lung damage even, and the government offers me $500 (of your money) to get the vaccine, to boot (i work for unca Sam); so, while i doubt either of you are even still reading this, and you have apparently already made up your minds, yes? You are experts on COVID now, know everything, for sure, do ya? I couldn’t talk for a month after my last “vaccine,” so wadr there may be factors that you haven’t considered
We are in the midst of a “corona-” (all-encompassing) -virus “epidemic” even though the population is still rising, and the mortality from flu viruses has not risen any from historic levels, likely even down considerably over the last year, so for anyone still reading you might seek sources of information that are not scared of the ama, iow European or other doctors, that might at least give you a more rounded opinion; if “follow the money” isn’t making the truth plain enough for you. And i wish you the best of luck ok
@Lizard_of_Ahaz “ What this means is that when a significant portion of the population goes unvaccinated the chances of a variant of the virus that the vaccine won't protect people from and will kill even more readily than this one does appearing is pretty much a given.”
Seems like common sense, huh? But with all due respect this is strictly from ignorance (no offense); it is those who swim in feces-infested rivers that tend to have the highest immunity, and those who disinfect and vaccinate that invariably have the worst. The current vaccine regimes actually just trick the system so that the virus cannot attach, and so the virus will mutate because of the vaccine, which the ama is perfectly well aware of, trust me.
Now, would i recommend the vaccine to an immune-compromised person? As well as a mask? Possibly, but I tell you that if you are healthy, you are participating in your own demise by wearing a mask and vaccinating for a virus that has surely already mutated.
Maybe we should revisit this when the superbugs y’all seem determined to manifest have done so; unfortunately nothing can be done for you at that point, and you are going to die, and gee who is down with population reduction? Well I’ll be, it’s the same bunch feeding you vaccines, huh!
“Best of luck you both you and BDairhead in removing yourselves from the herd...”
obviously those exposed to the virus are “the herd” Liz, nice try tho
@Lizard_of_Ahaz “ What this means is that when a significant portion of the population goes unvaccinated the chances of a variant of the virus that the vaccine won't protect people from and will kill even more readily than this one does appearing is pretty much a given.”
Seems like common sense, huh? But with all due respect this is strictly from ignorance (no offense); it is those who swim in feces-infested rivers that tend to have the highest immunity, and those who disinfect and vaccinate that invariably have the worst. The current vaccine regimes actually just trick the system so that the virus cannot attach, and so the virus will mutate because of the vaccine, which the ama is perfectly well aware of, trust me.
Now, would i recommend the vaccine to an immune-compromised person? As well as a mask? Possibly, but I tell you that if you are healthy, you are participating in your own demise by wearing a mask and vaccinating for a virus that has surely already mutated.
Maybe we should revisit this when the superbugs y’all seem determined to manifest have done so; unfortunately nothing can be done for you at that point, and you are going to die, and gee who is down with population reduction? Well I’ll be, it’s the same bunch feeding you vaccines, huh!
@Pralina1 “ the one that dies or gets permanent disability bcz of covid is your wife / friend / kid etc .
Apparently u have not seen any covid dead inside your yard fence yet . U ll be singing a different song right now , I can assure u”
hopefully you get how specious this is, everyone dies Pralina, but what y’all are doing is an attempt to weaken the gene pool, which trust me nature is not going to tolerate, ok.Sterility will skyrocket, superbugs will manifest, and we even have historic models for this that the allopathic (symptom-treaters, basically witch-doctors) medical establishment def does not want you to know about.
I would certainly sympathize with anyone worried about COVID, or succumbing to it, but ppl die every day, ok; 50,000 kids die every fucking day, Pralina. Why aren’t you tripping about that? Bc a vast industrial complex has caused you to focus on a basically harmless virus that causes statistically insignificant mortality, so that they may profit, and you might die a little quicker.
Y’all might ask yourselves-well, i don’t expect you to, of course, you’re Gnostics who know everything, but possibly someone reading—why there is no “vaccine” for one of the most common causes of death in the weak/immune compromised, viral pneumonia?
The Rockefeller Medical Complex is trying to kill you, ok, and you are buying into it like chumps!
@bbyrd009 You do know that this Q nonsense you believe has been exposed as 8chan trolling by pathetic fraudsters whith no inside knowledge or talent for anything except being assholes and bigots don't you?... Everything you just said has zero credibility and is completely anti-science... You belong to a cult and are too religious to know it I suggest you consult a good deprogrammer.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz well liz, there are now thousands of MDs who are beyond the reach of the AMA who would disagree with you, but i wish you the best ok
@bbyrd009 Actually there are very few Mental Defecents in the medical field who disagree with me most of whom have had their employment by hospitals terminated. One example that you are citing is that pro-Trump "doctor" from Ghana who was "educated" in Nigeria in Texas that runs a clinic in a stripmall. She is actually a fundy preacher who claims that the government is experimenting with alien DNA on humans. Seriously if that is the best you can do please do as Trump suggested and shove a light bulb up your ass.... Or you could always drink Chlorox he touted that idea also didn't he?...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz no, actually thousands, documented, only you would not hear them either i guess
@bbyrd009 You realize a PHD in computer science is called a "doctor" right?.... I guess you can't cite any names either because you know it is fraud...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz ok im on the run now, but as you have actually (finally) addressed a post,
these two might get you started, even if they are not the links i was looking for, which are now maybe Zucc'ed, dunno. Best of luck k
@bbyrd009 listen man . Pls . Do not talk death to me .
Do not talk misfortune , accidents , chronic diseases on a flare , sudden strokes , cancer , good ole guns shot wounds , and the typical copd/ pneumonia / emphysema just for appetizer , decoration . Pls don’t . 22 yrs . Every night . 60 hrs a week .
Do u wanna talk TB ? Another airborne friend . Maybe that will help u understand . Guess what . I have meds for TB . I can do TB .
I have meds for the flu . I don’t have shit for covid . I have nothing but a pathetic redesmevir that does not seem to work , I have c plasma that I don’t see it working either , and Pepcid / zinc / melatonin / Solu medrol iv , and , a bunch of iv antibiotics to treat the pneumonia that covid turns to it .
To u , humans maybe numbers . Well , sure I agree .
However , I agree here , now , on my night off , w coffee and dogs . At the hospital , every human is important to me . Every f one of them .
Grandma Moses or young chicken , it does not matter . It’s 2020 and 2021 now , and people still die from covid . That bothers me . Don’t die from TB and menningitis and polio any more . Yay . Still . I lose people from covid every week . Many develop pulmonary embolis . Many recover the acute phase and go home w 6 litters of oxygen .
Now . I live in usa . The only f country I have been that humans are afraid to be sick , not only bcz of health fear , but of “ of how the f I am gonna pay for this “. Yeah . Now I dishcharge terrified humans , who go home and can’t return to work any time soon , and the bills are growing .
For more than 13 months that’s my reality .
I can’t share your views . Right now , the humans I have to take care are my priority , not numbers and big thoughts . Sorry .
Vaccines : they work . They work for us and they work for others . I sure hope to not grow a third eye or lose one . I don’t know . It seems to me , based to my research , the shit that are on statins ( the most common pills taken daily by Americans ), will kill everyone b4 the covid vaccines .
People come daily for 22 yrs and ask for a pile of pills to solve their problem . A pain pill . A sleeping pill . A pill for diabetes . A pill for HTN. , yes oh yes , come one come all , we have it all ! And nobody tries to change diets , habits , etc .
But now , that a virus arrived ( yeah , f viruses do that ), and sense the politics took over , every fucking joe from the street is an expert on medicine , epidemiology , and infection control.
I am so f tired of this shit . We have to try to keep people breathing , and I have to read that garbage too .
No . I am done .
, @Lizard_of_Ahaz correct
@Pralina1 Bloody hell the horse's ass is actually referencing exactly the kind of endorsements I told him he was. Medical statistics professors, psychology professors, and for all I know a proctology professor or two along with a Veterinary Medicine professor just for giggles as well. More bullshit than a dairy farm...
Random Graphical Representation
What safe and effective 'vaccines' look like on a graph. Cambodia had Zero Covid deaths, and 479 total 'cases' among 16.5 million people throughout the entire 'pandemic'. After 'vaccinating' hundreds of thousands of people, their death rate sky rocketed.
Data sets can be found here. [worldometers.info]
well Liz, i guess you are just so much more amazing than me, what can i say lol
at least two characters
@Pralina1 but i don’t want to give you the impression that i don’t sympathize with your position, ok? But you chose the allopathic “health” care industry, right? Ergo don’t you think you might be a bit biased, iow?
50,000 kids die every day, nonetheless, see; why aren’t you focused on that? Bc they aren’t in your face, right, i mean i get that ok, but understand how i am compelled to discount a defense of, essentially, your chosen occupation
“ People come daily for 22 yrs and ask for a pile of pills to solve their problem . A pain pill . A sleeping pill . A pill for diabetes . A pill for HTN. , yes oh yes , come one come all , we have it all ! And nobody tries to change diets , habits , etc ...”
Ah well those would be naturopaths, that encourage actual “health” care, and they mostly get drummed out of med-school in the first year, I think? Allopathy is the treatment of symptoms, after all?
Which I gotta tell ya, after my experiences trying to get ppl to...do what you suggest there, i am beginning to understand! But hey why expend effort to change when some fucking allopath will prescribe you a magic pill right?
Well informed commentary. [nvic.org]
@bbyrd009 Those memes are actually about the anti-vax "miracle cures" being touted by Trump and all his criminal associated...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz “ Those memes are actually about the anti-vax "miracle cures" being touted by Trump and all his criminal..”
It’s like this, it’s like that, but see neither “trump” nor “miracle cures” is in either meme huh
So actually you maybe just don’t wanna address the memes
Actually you just aren’t comfortable or secure with anyone who holds a diff opinion, maybe? Is everyone who holds a diff opinion than you do on any matter an idiot, or are there exceptions?
What about someone with prior vaccine injury/damage, liz? Think they should vaccinate?
On your vid, did you even watch it?
“Way to fumble at the one yard line, Science” (:21)
ya, that’s who i want vaccinating me lol
(“When did fascism become the default” lol jesus, swear to Yah fascists are the Bible’s “homosexuals,” thinly veiled in sexual reference)
@bbyrd009 So in addition to being a fool anti-science anti-vaxxer you are now confessing to being illiterate?... Thanks I always did wonder now I know....
@Lizard_of_Ahaz ha cmon, you already knew everything anyway!
admit it!
not even mad at ya lol
ok bye
if there was a specific point at the video, pls send a time stamp ty
@bbyrd009 Be sure to have your next of kin post your obituary here so we can all get a good laugh... Last words would be nice to something like "What do you mean I am dying of COVID?..."
Trump touted the efficacy of HCQ as a possible treatment for COVID 19, and he was proven correct. When used in prophylaxis or in early onset treatment in a protocol utilizing zinc and azythromicin, it was proven very effective at reducing hospitalizations. Countries that regularly administer HCQ had much lower death rates from CV19 than countries that banned its use. [thewatchtowers.org]
@Lizard_of_Ahaz yes liz, for .03% of us i guess that is a reality ok
but is it worth all this focus?
i don't pay too much attn to what everyone else seems consumed with much, anyway, but it sure looks like another misdirection deal to me
X TRILLION DOLLARS i mean just let that sink in a minute
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsGive yourself credit.
Posted by backtobasicsFollow the money, it leads to the truth.
Posted by backtobasicsI don't care, do you? When they can start proving one of their tales is true, maybe, just maybe, I'll listen.
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Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
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Posted by backtobasicsNot really sure about the car light legend.
Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.