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How to tell if a person has NOT been vaccinated....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 May 18
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Congratulations you mistook unfiltered and unconfirmed reports that can be entered by anyone for actual data.... Considering that there are now close to one million deaths that are suspected to be from COVID and over 600,000 admitted in the US alone even if those deaths had been vaccine related which so far NO VACCINE RELATED DEATHS CAN BE CONFIRMED I think the vaccine is obviously much safe than COVID especially since less than 10% of the country has been admitted to be infected but more than 60% have been vaccinated.... Oh and FYI of those admitted cases about 6,000,000 still haven't been resolved which means recovery or DEATH... At the present rate of deaths to recovery that means another 120,000 deaths just with the admitted cases...




How to tell if a person has been jabbed.

BDair Level 8 May 19, 2021

And yet it wasn't vaccine related.... Once again you are proving yourself to be an airhead...The woman in that video lives in Argentina and was NOT vaccinated so once again you are proving that you are NOT smart enough to be considered an idiot. Maybe you should fact check this crap before passing it on because your sources are deliberately misinforming you... It took me less than 1 minute to debunk your idiotic claim...

Video shows a patient having a seizure at a hospital in Argentina, not a Covid-19 vaccine recipient
AFP Argentina, Nadia Nasanovsky Facebook Twitter Email Published on Thursday 04 March 2021 at 04:35
Copyright AFP 2017-2021. All rights reserved.

A clip of a woman convulsing on the ground has spread across social media worldwide in multiple languages alongside a claim that she is suffering from side effects after receiving a Covid-19 vaccine. But this claim is false: the video showed a patient suffering a seizure at the Larcade hospital near Buenos Aires in Argentina, and doctors there told AFP that the woman had not been vaccinated against Covid-19.

One Facebook post featuring the video has been shared nearly 470 times in Nigeria and Germany since it was published on February 24, 2021.

Thanks for posting the link though I reported it to you tube and expect it to be removed soon as well as the poster being banned for life.

@BDair Sorry but in the video blaming the woman's death on the vaccine it was debunked in fact she didn't even die she fainted.... She has a medical condition which causes fainting spells... Gad you are a gullible tool aren't you?...

As for the second video that is why the clinics are all keeping Epi-pens on site and require a waiting period before you can leave the premises... You must love being a failure you do it so well and are so insistent in proving you are one... Almost as if it is your sole source of pride in life which explains why you are an incel...


Annnd, go down to the morgues and cemeteries and speak to the ones who DID get those DNA altering poisons injected into their body, and DIED from them! Eric Clapton just said in an interview in Rolling Stone Magazine, that due to his listening to the PROPAGANDA about how "safe and effective" these poisons are, he nearly lost his ability to play his guitars! His hands were so swollen up he could barely move his fingers, his hands both burned and felt freezing cold and he feared for two weeks that his career as a musician were soon to be over!!
And don't forget about the women who have had miscarriages and still births and can't get pregnant now, after getting jabs of POISONS or develop serious blood clots! But, if any Covidiots want to get shots of chemicals of unknown composition or value, then I say LET THEM!! It's called culling the herd of the less desirable members, or putting the chlorine into the shallow end of the gene pool! I won't stop anyone from getting a shot if they really do want it, it won't harm me any, and if those shots of POISON really are good for you, then someone can have the ones reserved for me, as my compliment. And if those shots are really as good as claimed, then no one has any argument as to why I should get any, as they're protected!

Logician Level 7 May 18, 2021

All these wild claims without a shred of evidence to back them up.... You sound like a Christian....
Oh and Eric Clapton is just another full of shit attention whore.... Another has been who just wants to be relevant...
After his bout with COVID Sgt Shitty Pants is singing a whole new tune and screaming at people to get vaccinated...
This is the true story of Ahmed who was much stronger and healthier than you could ever be before COVID and is still facing a long hard road to recovery...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Here we go with antivaxxer bullshit again!

@MichelleGar1 Oh and look Big Dumb Airhead just posted a fake vaccine video that took me less than one minute to debunk...


you could also ask them how they voted last November

Yeah but this guy is real... He went from top athlete to disabled mess in 25 days after being infected by COVID....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I was refering more to the larger groups of anti-vaxers

@bookofmorons Or you can ask them who they watch for "news" if they answer Fox, Newsmax, or any of the right wing propaganda sources you know to stay the hell away from them...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz valid too LOL

@bookofmorons Or if someone posts stupid shit like @BDair head does you know for sure that he isn't smart enough to get vaccinated...Speaking of posting stupid shit that is easily debunked look at the non-Logician above....

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