Compare matrimony and patrimony.
Both have nine letters
...and they rhyme.
In what context?
Both words can have multiple meanings depending on the reason for use
Not in Oxford d.
Patrimony OED definitions
An estate or right inherited from one's father
An estate or right inherited from an ancestor
A church estate or endowment
One's legal heritage
Matrimony OED definitions
The act of Marrying
The state of being married
A card game
The state of being a mother
One or other partner in a marriage
An estate or right inherited from one's spouse
If you are going to bullshit, check your facts first
@LenHazell53 You certainly obeyed.
I used the “Oxford Dictionary of English”, an economy version that Amazon recently put on the monochrome Kindle I’ve had for about six years. In all I have four Oxfords, one of them the Compact Edition that requires a magnifier and they all differ.
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