4 8

And, I had to show an age passport (driver's license) to buy a bottle of scotch. The tyranny!

OldMetalHead 9 Aug 11
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It's a GOOD THING if your precious children are not allowed into a government run indoctrination center, AKA the public fool system!! Your wife must be using Snopes, if she thinks that Jonas Salk came up with the Polio vaccine a hundred years ago!! He was born in 1914 and died in 1995.
Polio is a dangerous virus that was nearly wiped out by a REAL vaccine, and NOT a witchs' brew of mRNA and graphene oxide and who knows what else? If these chemical concoctions are really so safe and effective, then WHY do the companies that make them demand 100% immunity from all lawsuits when they cause any harm or death? Think about THAT the next time you're feeling so smug and self righteous for getting your jabs!!

Logician Level 7 Aug 16, 2021

you are spewing defecation from your oral cavity. Are you a biologist? Doctorate degree in any hard science from an accredited university? If not, STFU.

You throw around terms that you have no idea what they mean, and have no idea if or why they are bad, as well as using incendiary language like "witches brew".

Do you know what sodium is? It is a soft, silvery-white, highly reactive metal. They store it in oil, because if it even gets wet, it burns or blows up.
Do you know what chlorine is? Chlorine is a yellow-green gas at room temperature; used in WW1 to kill people.

Do you know what sodium chloride is? From the above, sounds like you should stay away from it, but sodium chloride is salt - one of the most abundant minerals on Earth and an essential nutrient for many animals and plants.

So until you get your advanced degree in biology, physiology, or any life science, you are totally unqualified to regurgitate others oral poop, no matter how good it tastes in your mouth, ya maroon.


No Vax card, no school, and school is where we got our 2 kinds of polio preventatives, too.

AnneWimsey Level 9 Aug 11, 2021

Bitching and moaning is a way of life for a big percentage of the pseudo humans on this planet.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Aug 11, 2021

nothing new here, these idiots need to just man up and stop being cry babies.

glennlab Level 10 Aug 11, 2021
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Posted by backtobasicsThe same people that used to put the word colored on water fountains and bathrooms are now putting biological on bathrooms.

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