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People be protesting about homeless guy with 20 priors murdered on subway after attacking a bunch of people yet one young woman was chased and stabbed to death while out hiking in Arizona and another in Oklahoma, was sleeping in her bed, and was raped and murdered by ex boyfriend who filmed himself raping her unconscious body. No protests noted.

Killtheskyfairy 9 May 6
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Is the first picture meant to imply that men are dangerous creatures or that women are paranoid? Is feeling safe equivalent to being safe?

Spongebob Level 7 May 7, 2023



He did not attack anyone. He was just talking loudly

noworry28 Level 8 May 7, 2023

I guess you missed the point but nevertheless I’ll bite. Women minding their own business, attacked and killed, no protests, violent, scary dude with priors and mental health issues attacked and killed in “self defense,” all kinds of protests.

“Neely reportedly started acting erratically on the train and harassing other passengers before being restrained and ultimately choked by a straphanger, identified as a 24-year-old Marine from Queens.

Mr. Neely racked up more than three dozen arrests. Many were of the sort that people living on the street often accrue while homeless, like turnstile-jumping or trespassing. But at least four were on charges of punching people, two of them in the subway system including a 2021 incident in which he hit an older woman on the head and landed himself in jail for over a year. He was wanted on a felony warrant at time of death.

Outreach workers noted that Mr. Neely heavily used K2, the powerful, unpredictable synthetic marijuana. In June 2019, an outreach worker noticed that Mr. Neely had lost considerable weight and was sleeping upright. Around that time, he was reported to have banged on a booth agent’s door and threatened to kill her, according to the worker’s notes. Then he was gone.”

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