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I like it! Also good way to use churches that are closed for 6 days!

Killtheskyfairy 9 Oct 21
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The logistics would be staggering in a lot of these older churches and IMO pretty cost prohibitive...inconveniently-located and far too few bathrooms, for just one exampleno showers/tubs either. And fire exits would be not up to code either.
Malls would have more or less up to date wiring, would still need showers and tubs and depending on the layout, more fire exits and lots more egress windows too.
Plus there would no doubt be Fierce resistance by the NIMBY crowd in either case.

I agree to certain extent but also have seen good examples of reusing space lately. Most malls and churches are fairly convenient to attract customers.

In my area, they just turned part of a mall into a gorgeous critical care center. The rest of the mall is still pretty dead but the CCC looks amazing and usually has lots of cars in the parking lot.

Of course the older churches would need more work but some churches are pretty new so not so much. Jehovahs Witness just bought an old light manufacturing building down the road and changed it into a Kingdom Hall. It looks like new construction after they gutted it and put new windows and roof and resurfaced the parking lot. Iā€™m pretty sure they had to add bathrooms too because they had some huge deliveries from plumbing company.

I guess it depends on will and creativity.


plus lots of free parking

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Posted by backtobasicsThe same people that used to put the word colored on water fountains and bathrooms are now putting biological on bathrooms.

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