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Something's going on here...

Tomfoolery33 9 Aug 6
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Japan has an assortment of businesses to cater to lonely people. There's the men and women hired to wipe tears and I think the most weird one I've heard of is where they have a company where people are hired by lonely people to send them texts and pretend they're the the significant other. They are required to text all day, they are not supposed to take more than 5 minutes to reply, and to make money, you have to text almost all day... And the texters have to keep the fantasy, without revealing their own personal life.

mek7730 Level 7 Aug 6, 2018

The words PROFESSIONAL LADIES all done in caps. Just how professional are they is the question.

I'm guessing they might take better care of their feet than some others and have the money to pay for his service? Or I'm just naive to big city ways.


There's probably a lot of call for that. After I heard that there's a business for just cuddling, no sex, I'm not shocked at much anymore. Who wouldn't want their feet rubbed at the end of a long day?

Anonbene Level 8 Aug 6, 2018

It's odd though that he specifies "professional ladies 50+".

@tnorman1236 I think he has a foot fetish and is looking for a particular type of pump worn by professional women over 50!

@SukiSue Something like that.

Oh I didn't think of that, I've never paid too much attention to people's feet. In this gig economy I just thought he found a niche way to make money.

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