4 8

At least I have all the episodes of The Office.

ClaytonE83 7 Aug 10
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Depression is why I'm here... in the shadows... being gaslit into believing no one cares. For the record, women do not have it any easier and neither do famous people. Don't fall into the trap of believing depression has anything to do with gender, status or privilege. But please excuse me for a moment while I project the thousand ways this post could be misinterpreted. Unlike the first lady of the most depressing nation on the planet, "I really do care. Do you?"

Jdkglobal Level 5 Aug 10, 2018

Sorry to hear that. I don't think anyone is immune to depression but to say those things have nothing to do with potential depression isn't necessarily true although I know some people just have chemical imbalances. For instance, money might not buy happiness but it sure can help take away stress and some depression depending on what is causing the depression. Surely many were depressed during The Great Depression... I think most truly happy people live their lives helping others in one way or another.

@ClaytonE83 It's true. There are many different types/ causes of depression & no real cure other then to just make the best of "bad" situations. For some that's being lost in a sea of people who actually care about you & for others it's choosing to be alone out of fear of rejection, judgment or repeat of past trauma.


Noooooooo shiiiiiiiit

Anonbene Level 8 Aug 10, 2018

That is why I believe everyone should have a therapist.

Omots Level 7 Aug 10, 2018

We are all our own best therapists (j/k, please talk to someone if you are suffering)


You ok man?

Squirrel Level 7 Aug 10, 2018

Yeah, I'm not depressed "af", just regular depressed. Thanks for asking.

@shebaloney Ive never really asked for help or came out about it publicly. I just grabbed this from a friend's page and posted it here, not trying to be super serious. I don't entirely agree with it, and it should probably emphasize "attractive" women because I don't think all women get the same kind of attention. I do know a couple women that get a lot of online attention when posting about their depression compared to a couple of my male contacts online though, surely it also has somewhat to do with Facebook's algorithms, but only partly. Personally I have moved around a lot in the last ten years for college and for work and lost just about all my old friends or they barely contact me, but I didn't think it was just for one reason. I've also become more introverted and don't even want to worry about visiting them or entertaining them anyway; but none have contacted me but one asking if I was okay as far as I remember. In person I don't really show depression though, I don't pass my personal stuff on to others and my humor hides it(funny or not)... My sister was so depressed I moved in with her for a while to watch her as she asked me to. Even though people gave her a lot of attention compared to me it still wasn't always the right kind of attention or for the right reasons, some guys just wanted to take advantage. I wasn't planning on these questions but should have in retrospect. I believe things are generally complex/complicated/intertwined with lots of other things and don't like most simple quotes unless they are jokes or right on point. So if this meme was supposed to be taken very seriously and analyzed I wouldn't have posted it. Hope that rant from my perspective kind of answers your question.

@ClaytonE83 "Attractive" women have it worse because they have to deal with toxic masculinity, catcalling, inappropriate stares & touching, gaslighting & their general safety. If that can't cause depression, I don't know what will, but here I go mansplaining just "pretending" I know what it's actually like to be the subject of constant objectification & harassment but if you knew my story then you'd know that I've had to deal with predator males in my youth as well.

@Jdkglobal good points.

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