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Why I left plenty of fish

glennlab 10 Sep 10
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I'm not sure that's a fair. I've not been on POF, but did meet my 2nd husband on 6 years ago. Unfortunately he died. In my latest round with Match I was not successful in finding a companion. Maybe my expectations are too high?

Krysia22 Level 7 Sep 11, 2018

I wasn't going for fair, I was going for funny. We all know at least one that fits this profile, maybe not to a T, but fits. For me, comedy is the truth stretched to the limits of what the mind will allow.


You get what you pay for.


The pickins are slim, the older you get. Nothing comes for free and well if it does, there is usually something wrong with it.


Just one redneck's theory, internet dating brings out the worst in both gender's idiocy. We all keep thinking we can do just a little better. Men can engage their desire for to see attractive women be sexy, women can feel like men are pursuing them...all without intimacy, getting to know each other, working through stuff that might impact a real couple's chance for long term love.

I know dozens who have tried online dating, yet personally I only know one couple who got married from any site specifically for dating.

Again, only one man's perspective but every dating site has a lot of "women" who are really scammers that want random men to send them gifts in exchange for MAYBE some internet sex at most.


Eek, lol

Livinlife Level 9 Sep 10, 2018

That's internet dating. Plus POF is free.

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