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Our current Energy Secretary, Rick, the dick, Perry, actually has a degree in this

glennlab 10 Sep 13
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Oh but it pays well!

MrLink Level 8 Sep 13, 2018

What'd be even worse is if the guy walks around all day with a hard on!


Yeah I saw Mike Rowe on "Dirty Jobs" do that. Yuck !

Duchess Level 7 Sep 13, 2018

As much fun as it is to laugh about, it does help spread desirable traits quicker, safer and more efficiently than the natural method.

@glennlab I know a lot of cattle farmers that would disagree. I know the term sounds incorrect, but that is what a lot of them are refereed to.


Hummm.... i have a degree on it. Lol
And speaking of a stallion... they are pretty impressive

Zoohome Level 8 Sep 13, 2018

But you aren't in charge of the nation's nuclear weapons. And Rick gives Aggies a bad name. He's not the brightest bulb in the pack. To your second point, way to make a guy feel bad. lol

@glennlab oh i know.... i have no comments about the dumb%&&* in charge


I always did think he was a total jerk off...guess I was right...?


I bet those woman are thinking "men are so dumb" .

(Actually they're doing their job and probably concentrating on doing it safely)

Umbral Level 8 Sep 13, 2018

Walking out alive and with no broken bones is always a good thing.

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