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Why, just why?

psycheworks 8 Sep 23
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Do they need bumpers because they walk into so many arcadia doors???

phxbillcee Level 10 Sep 23, 2018

The closest I ever got to any of that were wax lips, when I was in the
third grade. LOL

KKGator Level 9 Sep 23, 2018

@KKGator what the heck were wax lips?

@psycheworks Here ya go. They were usually cherry flavored.

@KKGator I remember them! Hell, I actually remember honest to bog penny candy!

@KKGator & the operative word here is definitely cherry "flavored"!!! Sorta! I mean, they were a type of wax, after all!

@KKGator What I still really miss from back east (Philly) was real Italian Water Ice. This wasn't 'flavored' shaved ice, by any means. It was almost a sorbet! & the flavors!!! The cherry was incredible. The chocolate rich! The lemon had bits of lemon peel in it! I can still get the occaisional Philly cheesesteak, or a reasonable facsimile, but water ice like that, ah damn!

@KKGator I still say "water" like this...

Back in the day when it was acceptable to feed your kids petroleum products.

@phxbillcee I grew up in northern New Jersey. We called it "Italian Ice".
You're also right, it was like a sorbet. So much of what we loved was so bad for us. Including the petroleum products. LOL

@glennlab Even if it was, & most of the recipes don't, I'd suck on an exhaust for a steady supply of this stuff!

@phxbillcee Jesus, Bill. I'm willing to bet we've both done A LOT worse, for a lot less!!! LOL

@KKGator Depends...what's the statute of limitations?

@phxbillcee Long since expired. I'm sure most of the witnesses are dead. LOL

@KKGator Shhh! No statute of limitations on that!

@KKGator ahh Cherry Lips we called them

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