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Drowning Pool cover!

MichelleGar1 9 Oct 3
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I see that country music fans still haven't learned how to spell.

Ludo Level 7 Oct 4, 2018

What happened to country music that it got overrun with putz fucks with pop songs? I really don't care if a steam roller smooshes the last tune out of this muther fucker

zorialoki Level 8 Oct 4, 2018

I don't know! Lol

@MichelleGar1 Do you remember the days when country music was what it isn't today? I kinda miss those days

@zorialoki yes, I remember! Now it's crap! Lol

@MichelleGar1 I actually liked it many moons ago. What they are churning out today is worse than crap

@zorialoki yes! Classic country from the 70's! Not the crap from now! Lol

@MichelleGar1 We can agree on this, someday maybe we can meet for lunch

@zorialoki sounds great to me! Let me know when! I'm down the street 2 blocks around the corner! Lol

@MichelleGar1 I should be able to find that, but I would rather meet. Do you like Mexican or something else?

@zorialoki LMAO!!! Mexican is good! I'm not picky! Anywhere in Las Cruces is good too

@MichelleGar1 How about Outback on Saturday?

@zorialoki this Saturday I might not be able to make it, let me see

@MichelleGar1 message me, Sunday is also good

@zorialoki will do!


who the fuck is aldean, btw was expecting a video

I think a country singer! Lol


I didn't think you'd get darker.

You did.


Umbral Level 8 Oct 3, 2018

You're in a dark mood today. Work going poorly?

phxbillcee Level 10 Oct 3, 2018

No, I am this dark! Lol

I warned you! Lol

@MichelleGar1 I'm a big boy (or at least an old one) I can handle it!

@phxbillcee good! Lol

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