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Let them be comfortable

Captnron59 9 Oct 7
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I have to say guys , some x this is reality . And when it's cold outside or a storm coming or just , it doesn't matter , I am more than happy to admit a homeless dude . U know , some symptoms can get u a bed and 3 meals at least for a day or two . Some times , u can just look at his or her eyes and u have to think , this guy was once someone s litle boy , or this woman , was someone s litle girl . We can't save them all . And many don't want to be rescued anyways . But even a night at ED couch instead the street and a turkey snack is all they want and all I can offer anyways . It's tough out there ?
At least we have homes , jobs , people .

Pralina1 Level 9 Oct 7, 2018

Amen! When I get back to River city, I plan on making meals for homeless and vets. Need a few more on board tho. Even if it just gets them out of the cold for a while, and a good meal, that's all I want.


Such a humanitarian!

phxbillcee Level 10 Oct 7, 2018

Or instead of a $1200 per night hospital bed and another $4000 in care, spend $100 and get her a decent hotel room.

ThisGuy Level 6 Oct 7, 2018

Very sad.

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