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I do I do, who's with me?

mistymoon77 9 Nov 18
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I am there.

Mokvon Level 8 Nov 19, 2018

My luck I'd attack tents waiting for a sporting goods store to open...


OK, I'm in.


Just don't do it at a Bass Pro shop!

phxbillcee Level 10 Nov 18, 2018

or Sheels Sporting Goods Center.

@mistymoon77 That's why I said sporting goods. There is a good sized Sheels in Omaha. The second floor is about 2/3 firearms...

@TheGreatShadow oh yikes, don't want to piss off those redneckers in the Omaha area.

@mistymoon77 Hey now, Omaha is the only decent place to live in this state. I'd be far more worried about a Cabellas in Central Nebraska. Lots of fence posts there. 0_o

@TheGreatShadow I am referring to the deep red area.. THOSE folks.

@mistymoon77 Omaha is far more liberal than anywhere else here. Even Lincoln. But, yeah, this is overwhelmingly a red state.

@TheGreatShadow I actually shop at Cabellas. They have some really good spices & some of their food there and the fudge is to die for imo. Now if those things went on sale, I would turn into those crazies for sure.

@mistymoon77 They have a maple jalapeno seasoning that is to die for! They also sell AP rounds. lol

@TheGreatShadow Think I will stick with spices and fudge in that place. I honestly can't remember that last time I did a black Friday, hate shopping.. wonder what and who will make the news this year.


That is so Hotel New Hampshire.

Umbral Level 8 Nov 18, 2018



I never go out on Black Friday.
I think any money I may save, would be more than offset by the cost of bourbon and xanax needed to recover.

Boxdoc Level 7 Nov 18, 2018

I'm in, nost definitely

zorialoki Level 8 Nov 18, 2018

Make it Walmart, and you've got yourself a deal!!!!

KKGator Level 9 Nov 18, 2018

That would be our very first stop...if we can pull that off, we can do anything ~

@mistymoon77 im in for Walmart!


That is a beautiful idea.

DoDapper Level 8 Nov 18, 2018

Ummmm.... OK I'm with you... ???

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