Ditto! Lol
what's the name of your club, LL?
@phxbillcee Livinlife, of course! ?
I have a feeling that any strip club that would have you dance is not one I'd frequent!!!
Hey now ! I ll go . Just to support Mr Glenn ?
@Pralina1 & you just let me know where you'll be dancing & I'll be there!
@phxbillcee man, waste of your dollar ? Who needs to see my near 50 butt dancing , u kidding me ! Ha ! Soo many beautiful young girls , the new generation full of lovely faces and bodies . My time is gone . Room for the new ! Let them have the stage ?! But thank u sir , u r sweet ?
@Pralina1 As lovely as it is to watch a nubile young thing dance, I find it much more arousing when it is a woman I have a relationship with that chooses to dance just for me. & to me, dear, you are a young thing, you can dance for me any time!
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