Don't talk to me on the phone ever ??? my accent is thick after 23 yrs here ? Ordering Chinese does not happend .? Btwen their accent and my accent , nobody gets it right . Thank gods Pizza Hut u can order on line , so it's still food coming into my place on these days .
And like thick accent is not enough , I also still move my hands and arms when talking , nothing has changed after all this yrs ? At least patients and co workers understand me or they used to me ? I don't know !
I do have patients occationaly , u know , not the half dead but the ones that come to ED for bullshit , who ask for an " American " provider ?. Those I send to Dr Patel or dr Pham ????and I sit back and I smile ?????
There are many people that if you tie their hands they can't talk. My grandfather had such a thick Cajun accent, that if you were away from him for any length of time, you had to relearn how to listen to him.
@Captnron59 Italian / Greek .
@Captnron59 Mr Ron , consider your self a lucky man ????
Oh that is sooooo true. I have actually asked for someone that can speak English I can understand. I had one guy hang up on me.
Glad you're back to your photo! Lookin' good!
I phone Samsung , their staff even though they are from the Philippines are so polite impossible to annoy and check back the next day.My laptop was 7 years old and out of warranty, they said it is a Samsung we will help.
That's actually impressive.
I've had a few times where I had to ask to be transfered to someone that didn't have such a thick accent. Wasn't being rude or anything, just don't want to ask if they can repeat that 3 times for every sentence.
@Captnron59 I'm not really offended. I just want to know what they are saying.
The thick accent thing is not only a problem in the US, also a problem in the UK. For example if you live in the UK, and call tech support, you might get someone from France (or at least has a thick French accent). I wouldn't call France a 3rd world country either.
@Captnron59, @TheGreatShadow I worked for a company that did the "information" calls for AT&T. They ended up transferring all that work to convicts in Canada! Real cheap labor!
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