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Make sure you have the real doctor

glennlab 10 Jan 12
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My Adult son buys lab coats and wears them around the house. Not sure why, I just forwarded this meme to him...

JazznBlues Level 8 Jan 12, 2019

I'm not a doctor but I occasionally play one.

beenthere Level 7 Jan 12, 2019

In a bedroom behind closed doors? ?


watch out @CutieBeauty

Very funny haha.


Oh that's not true . Some of the residents thou , will say the stupidest things ever . They are learning . They are scared , they are intimidated , and they are sleep deprived . And they are broke like joke .
I love them all . They come out like scared kitties , afraid to touch patients , afraid to have a real talk w a patient . But they try . I ve seen some having to check five x b4 pronounce someone dead . Dude . Ain't getting any more dead than that , trust me . I ve seen others coming to a rapid response and try to hide behind crash carts hoping that no nurse or their boss will noticed them . I have heard their hearts pounding louder than the patient's ! But they are the future docs and good practice comes w x and humility . Most of them they are good cats ?
U know who are the ones that don't need to be heard or called " doctor "? Assholes like dr Oz or any money oriented prick who is on tv scamming humans .

Pralina1 Level 9 Jan 12, 2019

My nephew is a newly graduated Dr of Osteopathy. I can imagine him in some of the situations you’ve described🙂

@Haemish1 congrats ?? it's a big honor and we need good doctors ???

It’s funny to be with his parents, when their eyes get big and they say “that’s my son doing that??”
I was a bit disappointed that he chose medicine over woodworking, but to each his own🙂


Buy it in a thrift store. ?

Zoohome Level 8 Jan 12, 2019

Stethoscopes don’t require a background check either!

Haemish1 Level 8 Jan 12, 2019
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