Well, I'm an agnostic atheist, but I do know how some define agnostic, so,...
@Dispirited There are ranges & combinations, & many will be in different places along that range. Bottom line is that atheism is the lack of belief in a god or gods (& usually the supernatural in general, but not always) & agnosticism is the lack of specific knowledge to come to an educated, definitive opinion on the matter. Hence, for me, I'm an agnostic atheist. Also, I am an apistevist in that I don't use faith to reach conclusions. I also consider myself a humanist, a naturalist, a skeptic,...I don't consider myself "spiritual", tho I do think there may be "more things than can be dreamt of in our philosophy" (to badly paraphrase), but I think the term "spiritual" carries too much woo to be useful.
@Dispirited "Skepticism is my nature, Freethought is my methodology, Agnosticism is my conclusion, Atheism is my opinion & Humanitarianism is my motivation." Jerry DeWitt
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